FM indyref plan “unwanted and unworkable”


31 Mar 2017


Nicola Sturgeon’s call for a second referendum has been dismissed by the Scottish Conservatives today.

Reacting to the First Minister’s proposal, deputy leader of the Scottish Conservatives Jackson Carlaw said the proposal was both “unwanted and unworkable”.

The Scottish Conservatives’ position continues to be that a referendum cannot happen until people have had the chance to see Brexit play out – and should not happen when most people in Scotland don’t want it.

The SNP has said again today it wants a referendum by March 2019 – before Scotland and the whole UK leave the EU.

Scottish Conservative deputy leader Jackson Carlaw said:

“At the very moment we should be uniting as a country to get the good deal out of Brexit, Nicola Sturgeon is trying to divide us again.

“Her plans are unwanted and unworkable.

“Unwanted, because people made a decision on this just three years ago and don’t want to go back to yet more division.

“Unworkable, because under the SNP’s plans, people would have no idea what they are voting on.

“She wants a referendum campaign to start right now – despite still not having answered basic questions on the currency, on EU membership and the cost of independence.

“We have had enough of SNP stunts and First Ministerial photo-calls.

“Nicola Sturgeon should dump her referendum plans now, work to get the best deal possible Brexit deal for Scotland and the UK – and then get back to the day job of improving our schools and hospitals, as she promised.”

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