Flower show to adorn Victoria Park with theme flower angelonia from March 15 (with photos)

     This year's Hong Kong Flower Show will be held at Victoria Park for 10 days from March 15 to 24, running from 9am to 9pm daily, featuring the colourful angelonia as the theme flower and "Floral Joy Around Town" as the main theme. Angelonia, also known as "angel flower", has a small and unique shape with a refreshing fragrance. Heavily covered with little flower buds, its stem produces lush and bushy flowers when in full bloom. Angelonia, literally "fragrant colourful bird" in Chinese, looks like little birds jumping about when swaying in the breeze, adding to the beauty of springtime.
     Angelonia, a herbaceous plant of the plantain family (Plantaginaceae) native to the tropical Americas, boasts vibrant colours and flourishes the most in spring, summer, and autumn. Its petite and richly fragrant flowers blossom from bottom up along the stem. With a long flowering period, angelonia thrives in hot and humid conditions and is suitable for growing in Hong Kong.
     There are many species of angelonia, with heights ranging from 30 to 100 centimetres, offering a profusion of flowers with unique spotted patterns inside the corolla. Angelonia has great ornamental value and a wide range of hues. Common colours include pure white, pinkish red, light purple, purple and two-tone stripes.
     Growing angelonia is simple and easy. It can either be grown in pots and placed in gardens, parterres, flower pathways and balconies, or be planted directly in the ground. Some varieties are frequently used as cut flowers for making flower baskets and bouquets. Deeply adored by flower enthusiasts, angelonia is a popular exhibit in flower shows.
     In addition to this year's theme flower and other flowering plants, the event will showcase a large collection of exquisite potted plants, beautiful floral arrangements and well-crafted landscape displays by local, Mainland and overseas organisations. There will also be commercial stalls selling flowers and horticultural products. A wide variety of educational and recreational fringe activities will also be provided for the enjoyment of visitors of all ages.
     For more details of the flower show and its admission fee arrangements, please visit the flower show webpage at www.hkflowershow.hk/en/hkfs/2024/index.html or call 2601 8260 for enquiries.
     The flower show is organised by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department. The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust is supporting the flower show for the 12th consecutive year and has been its major sponsor since 2014.

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