Flower show replanting scheme invites applications

     Schools, environmental groups and non-governmental organisations are invited to apply for this year's "Give the Flowers a New Home!" Jockey Club Flower Replanting Scheme of the Hong Kong Flower Show by February 11. The application form can be downloaded from the flower show webpage at www.hkflowershow.hk/en/hkfs/2019/flower.html.
     Every year after the flower show, showground flowers suitable for replanting are sent to Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) parks for replanting. To encourage replanting in the community and raise environmental awareness among the public, the flower replanting scheme was introduced in 2014.
     For enquiries, please call 2601 8260.
     Organised by the LCSD, this year's flower show will be held in Victoria Park for 10 days from March 15 to 24, featuring "When Dreams Blossom" as the main theme and with the Chinese hibiscus as the theme flower. The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust is supporting the flower show for the seventh consecutive year and has been the Major Sponsor of the flower show since 2014.