Flooding issues – part of Perth Road area #dundeewestend

A number of residents have contacted me over recent weeks about the extent of road flooding on Perth Road at points between Hazel Avenue running west to Riverside Place.

I reported this to Scottish Water and their Corporate Affairs Manager (North) has updated me as follows :

“I’ve spoken to our local team, who have confirmed that they responded to burst water mains at the two locations described on Perth Road.  

Bursts can sometimes occur in proximity to each other when the normal operation of a main has been disturbed and this doesn’t necessarily suggest that further problems will occur in the short term.  I understand that repairs on the most recent incident in this area were completed successfully on 16 November and there have been no further issues since.  

We would like to apologise to customers and road-users for the disruption while our water response team completed repairs.

In terms of any water that remained on the carriageway following these incidents, this should drain away via normal road drainage arrangements.  If there is an issue with the drains at this location, whatever the origin of the water, this should be raised with the council in the first instance who would contact Scottish Water if they believed that the issues were linked to our recent work.”