Fixed penalties for traffic contraventions to increase tomorrow


     A spokesman for the Transport and Housing Bureau today (May 31) reminded members of the public that the fixed penalties for five congestion-related traffic contraventions under the Fixed Penalty (Criminal Proceedings) Ordinance will be revised with effect from tomorrow (June 1).

     The resolution to increase such fixed penalties was passed by the Legislative Council on January 17. The relevant traffic contraventions and the revised penalty charges are as follows:

Item Traffic Contravention Fixed Penalty Charge
1 Unlawfully entering box junction Raised from $320 to $400
2 U-turn causing obstruction
3 Unauthorised stopping at bus stop/public light bus stand/taxi stand/public light bus stopping place
4 Stopping public bus, public light bus or taxi longer than necessary when picking up/setting down passengers
5 Picking up/setting down passengers in restricted zone Raised from $450 to $560

     The spokesman stressed that traffic congestion has been worsening in recent years and it is necessary to raise the fixed penalties for the congestion-related traffic contraventions to restore their deterrent effect. The Government will continue to study the timely increase of the fixed penalties for other congestion-related traffic contraventions.
     Furthermore, all Magistrates' Courts will cease to collect penalties in relation to traffic contravention fixed penalty notices issued by the Hong Kong Police Force or the Housing Department on or after June 1. If the person concerned has not paid the fixed penalty before the prescribed deadline, or wishes to dispute the legal liability of the traffic contravention, court proceedings will commence. For all cases in which court proceedings have commenced, members of the public may continue to pay the penalties at the Magistrates' Courts concerned in accordance with the instructions of the courts.
     "Members of the public can make penalty payments by means listed on the fixed penalty notices, including bank automated teller machines; PPS; the Internet; phone-banking services provided by banks; by post to PO Box No. 28000, Gloucester Road Post Office, Hong Kong; and at counters of post offices (other than mobile post offices) personally or by an agent," the spokesman said.

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