Five persons sentenced for violating anti-epidemic regulations

     Five persons were sentenced by the Magistrates' Courts today (February 21) for violating the Prevention and Control of Disease Regulation (Cap. 599A) or the Compulsory Quarantine of Certain Persons Arriving at Hong Kong Regulation (Cap. 599C).

     The first four cases involved four men aged 18, 59, 45 and 28 who were earlier issued with compulsory quarantine orders. Before the expiry of the quarantine orders, the 18-year-old man and the 59-year-old man breached their quarantine orders on July 31 last year. Both of them were each charged with contravening sections 32(1) and (3) of Cap. 599A and were each fined $8,000 by the Kwun Tong Magistrates' Courts. The 45-year-old man breached his quarantine order on July 11 last year and was charged with contravening sections 22(5) and (6) of Cap. 599A and was sentenced to imprisonment for seven days, suspended for 12 months by the Eastern Magistrates' Courts. The 28 year-old man breached his quarantine order on July 6 last year and was charged with contravening sections 8(4) and (5) of Cap. 599C and was sentenced to imprisonment for seven days, suspended for 12 months by the Eastern Magistrates' Courts.

     The fifth case involved a 56-year-old woman. She earlier tested positive for COVID-19 and was issued with an isolation order. Before the end of the isolation period, she left the place of isolation on November 6 last year. She was charged with contravening sections 32(1) and (3) of Cap. 599A and was sentenced to imprisonment for seven days, suspended for 12 months by the Eastern Magistrates' Courts.
     A spokesman for the Department of Health said that co-operation and support by members of the public play a critical role in anti-epidemic work. They must strictly observe relevant requirements in order to fight the pandemic and minimise the risk of transmission in the community. The spokesman reiterated that resolute action will be taken against anyone who breaches the relevant regulations.