Finance Secretary talks Brexit and Welsh/Irish trade links at Killarney Economic Conference

The Finance Secretary will join a panel of political figures, prominent academics and Irish business leaders including Arlene Foster, Leader of the Democratic Unionist Party and Micheál Martin, Leader of Fianna Fáil to discuss Brexit and the challenges it poses for business, the legal issues that will arise, how it will shape future politics and the impact it will have on daily life.

The conference will also provide an opportunity to discuss Welsh/Irish trade links post-Brexit and the progress being made with the current 2014-2020 Ireland Wales programme which is providing a €100m investment benefiting our businesses and communities.

Mark Drakeford said:

“We highly value our relationship with Ireland and are committed to deepening our engagement outside the EU given the close bond, common values, trade and cultural links between the 2 nations.

“As an outward facing nation, we want to maintain and build on our international networks through continued participation in co-operation programmes.

“We place great value on the European Territorial Co-operation (ETC) programmes, including our cross-border programme with our nearest neighbours. They provide the means to find real solutions to shared challenges which transcend borders.

“We must ensure that we do not lose, but rather sustain, the excellent and creative partnerships which have been built up across the maritime border with Ireland.”