FHB responds to media enquiries on self-paid serology antibody testing service

     â€‹In response to media enquiries on further reduction of quarantine periods with positive serology antibody test results, a spokesman for the Food and Health Bureau responded today (August 18) as follows:
     In view of the developments of the global COVID-19 epidemic situation and the latest expert recommendations, the Government announced yesterday (August 17) that the quarantine requirements for persons arriving at Hong Kong from overseas places will be tightened from 0.00am on August 20. The requirements include that for fully vaccinated travellers arriving at Hong Kong who had stayed in medium-risk places, their compulsory quarantine periods could only be shortened to 14 days upon presentation of recognised vaccination records, and the quarantine periods can no longer be further reduced subject to a positive serology antibody test result.
     In this regard, the existing first phase arrangement of undergoing a self-paid serology antibody test at recognised private medical laboratories before departure from Hong Kong and subsequent shortening of the compulsory quarantine period on presentation of a recognised positive serology antibody test result will be suspended from August 20 onwards. In addition, the second phase arrangement of providing self-paid serology antibody testing service at the airport for persons arriving at Hong Kong, originally planned to be rolled out today, will not be implemented at this juncture.