FEHD urges grave sweepers to avoid grave-sweeping activities in coming weekend and on day of Ching Ming Festival


     To minimise the risk of COVID-19 transmission, a spokesman for the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department today (April 1) appealed to grave sweepers to avoid grave-sweeping activities during the peak period in the coming weekend (April 2 and 3) as well as on the day of the Ching Ming Festival (April 5). Members of the public may consider paying tribute to ancestors after the Ching Ming Festival upon the easing of the epidemic situation, so as to reduce the gathering of crowds. In addition, to alleviate the pressing need for cremation services by the public, the date of commencement of services for the two new cremators at Wo Hop Shek Crematorium of the FEHD has been advanced to April 7, and their cremation slots are now open for booking.

     "The FEHD has earlier significantly increased the daily cremation sessions available for booking to around 300 in order to cope with the recent upsurge in demand for cremation services. The date of commencement of services for the new cremators 7 and 8 at Wo Hop Shek Crematorium has been advanced to April 7, providing 22 additional cremation sessions daily. The FEHD expressed profound gratitude for the unfailing support of the Architectural Services Department and the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department and their assistance in pressing ahead with the essential testing, so as to advance the commencement of services of the two cremators smoothly," the spokesman said.

     The spokesman also reminded grave sweepers that they must comply with various anti-epidemic regulations (including the Prevention and Control of Disease (Prohibition on Group Gathering) Regulation (Cap. 599G) and the Prevention and Control of Disease (Wearing of Mask) Regulation (Cap. 599I)). The number of people in group gatherings at cemeteries, columbaria and gardens of remembrance should not be more than two unless they are living in the same household, and a mask should also be worn in public places.

     The Government has been promoting green burials, and the FEHD has set up the Internet Memorial Service webpage (www.memorial.gov.hk) and its mobile application for members of the public to pay tribute to their deceased loved ones anywhere and anytime.

     All crematoria of the FEHD will continue to provide cremation services on the day of Ching Ming Festival, during which hearses, funeral vehicles and persons paying tribute will approach the crematoria for handling of after-death arrangements. Members of the public should pay attention to the special traffic and transport arrangements to be implemented in the vicinity of respective crematoria on that day. Except for hearses, vehicles of undertakers, funeral vehicles and permitted vehicles, no other vehicles will be allowed to enter the crematoria of the FEHD while the special traffic and transport arrangements are in operation. For details of the special traffic and transport arrangements to be implemented in the vicinity of respective crematoria, please visit the Transport Department website (www.td.gov.hk).

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