Fatal traffic accident in Tseung Kwan O

     Police are investigating a fatal traffic accident in Tseung Kwan O last night (October 26) in which a 28-year-old man died.

     At about 10.08pm, a motorcycle driven by the 28-year-old man was travelling along Clear Water Bay Road towards Clear Water Bay, while a private car driven by a 46-year-old woman was travelling along Clear Water Bay Road towards Kowloon. When the private car was turning into 663 Clear Water Bay Road, it reportedly collided with the motorcycle.

     Sustaining multiple injuries, the motorcyclist was rushed to Tseung Kwan O Hospital in unconscious state and was certified dead at 11.08pm.

     The private car driver was arrested for dangerous driving causing death and is being detained for further enquiries.

     Investigation by the Special Investigation Team of Traffic, Kowloon East is underway.

     Anyone who witnessed the accident or has any information to offer is urged to contact the investigating officers on 2305 7500.