Explanatory note on the CSM Assessment Body referred to in Regulation (EU) N°402/2013 and in OTIF UTP GEN-G of 1.1.2014 on the Common Safety Method (CSM) for risk assessment
The main objectives of this note are to describe the roles and responsibilities of the assessment body and the way to acknowledge their compliance with the requirements defined in the CSM. In particular, the note is intended to help the Member States understanding the responsibilities set on them in Article 13 of the CSM and deciding on whether they opt for the accreditation or recognition of the assessment bodies or any combination of these two options.
The note contains only explanatory information of potential help for concerned users who directly or indirectly need to apply the CSM for risk assessment. It may serve as a clarification tool however without dictating in any manner mandatory procedures to be followed and without establishing any legally binding practice. The note provides explanations on the provisions contained in the CSM for risk assessment. It should be helpful for the understanding of the legal requirements described therein.
The note needs to be read and used together with the CSM for risk assessment in order to facilitate its understanding and application. It does not replace or otherwise amend the CSM.
Explanatory note on the assessment body referred to in the CSM for risk assessment – EN