Experts from NHC inspect cordon-off and compulsory testing exercise in Shun Tin Estate, Kwun Tong (with photos)

     â€‹Some members of the Mainland expert delegation led by the Head of the National Health Commission's COVID-19 leading task force, Professor Liang Wannian, inspected Shun Tin Estate, Kwun Tong, today (March 9) to understand on the ground the cordon-off and compulsory testing exercise there.
     Accompanied by the Secretary for Transport and Housing, Mr Frank Chan Fan, and the Permanent Secretary for Transport and Housing (Housing)/Director of Housing, Miss Agnes Wong, the expert delegation members inspected Shun Tin Estate this morning. Professor Liang and the experts were briefed on the enforcement of the restriction declaration and compulsory testing in public housing estates, including the distribution of anti-epidemic proprietary Chinese medicines supplied by the Central People's Government and rapid test kits to persons subject to compulsory testing to help them fight against the virus. The Housing Department will also assist in arranging for persons who have tested positive to go to the community isolation facilities after the compulsory testing exercises. The expert delegation was also briefed on the anti-epidemic work in public housing estates, such as the enhanced disinfection and cleaning work at the common areas.
     Following the "restriction-testing declaration" by the Government designating "restricted area" in public housing estates, the Housing Department, since January this year, has been co-ordinating efforts of various government departments to cordon off the areas concerned and arrange compulsory testing for more than 117 000 residents, involving over 40 public housing estates and around 70 building blocks.

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