Exhibition on achievements under Hong Kong/Shanghai co-operation held in Shanghai (with photos)

     To commemorate the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Hong Kong/Shanghai Co-operation Conference mechanism, an exhibition to showcase the achievements under the co-operation jointly organised by the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in Shanghai (SHETO) and the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the Shanghai Municipal Government was unveiled in a Hong Kong enterprise-owned shopping mall in Shanghai today (November 3).

     Through diversified materials, the exhibition reviews the major projects, representative figures and significant achievements of Hong Kong and Shanghai's co-operation in the past 20 years from multiple perspectives, summarising the achievements of the two cities in different fields of co-operation over the past two decades, and setting future directions for co-operation.

     Speaking at the opening ceremony, the Director of the SHETO, Mrs Laura Aron, stated that this year marks the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Hong Kong/Shanghai Co-operation Conference mechanism, which is a good opportunity to review the significant achievements of Hong Kong and Shanghai's co-operation, and look forward to the blueprint for the future development of the two cities. She thanked various departments of the Shanghai Municipal People's Government for their support to the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, including the work of the SHETO, and for maintaining close exchanges and co-operation over the years. She also thanked the representatives of Hong Kong organisations in Shanghai, and affirmed their contributions to Hong Kong/Shanghai co-operation through exchanges between the two places at the community level.

     Delivering a speech at the opening ceremony, Deputy Director General of the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the Shanghai Municipal Government Ms Ye Liang expressed that Hong Kong is one of the most competitive international cities in the world. This year marks the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Hong Kong/Shanghai Co-operation Conference mechanism, and it has been proven that strengthening Hong Kong/Shanghai co-operation is of great significance and has played a positive role for both cities.

     Other guests attending the ceremony included representatives of relevant Shanghai departments involved in the Hong Kong/Shanghai Co-operation Conference mechanism and representatives of Hong Kong organisations in Shanghai.

     The Hong Kong/Shanghai Economic and Trade Co-operation mechanism was established in October 2003. With the increasingly diversified exchanges between the two places, the Hong Kong/Shanghai Economic and Trade Co-operation Conference was officially renamed as the Hong Kong/Shanghai Co-operation Conference after the 3rd Plenary Session in 2015. The 5th Plenary Session of the Hong Kong/Shanghai Co-operation Conference was held in August 2021. Shanghai and Hong Kong have reached a consensus on 13 co-operation areas, including expansion in the Mainland domestic market and the Belt and Road Initiative, cultural and creative industries, innovation and technology, finance, education and talent development, legal and dispute resolution, healthcare and medicine regulation, youth development, facilitation for Hong Kong people's development on the Mainland, civil aviation, maritime transport and logistics.

     The exhibition will be held at HKRI Taikoo Hui in Jing'an District, Shanghai, from today to November 12 and is free of charge. It is also planned for the exhibition to tour different districts of Shanghai in phases. Members of the public can learn more details on the WeChat official account of the SHETO.

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