ExCo Non-official Members visit home-developed aircraft C919 and ARJ21 (with photos)


The following is issued on behalf of the Executive Council Secretariat:
     Non-official Members of the Executive Council (ExCo Non-official Members) today (December 14) boarded the home-developed aircraft C919 and ARJ21 which are on a visit to Hong Kong, to witness the achievement in civilian passenger aircraft manufacturing of the country.
     The ExCo Non-official Members boarded the C919 and the ARJ21 and received a briefing from the staff on the aircraft design and characteristics in the designated area of Hong Kong International Airport where the two domestic aircraft are on static display. The C919 and the ARJ21 are the first two jet aircraft developed by the country. At the invitation of the Civil Aviation Administration of China, the Civil Aviation Department (CAD) participated in the certification project and other areas of the development of the two aircraft.
     The Convenor of the ExCo Non-official Members, Mrs Regina Ip, said, "The successful productions of the two civilian passenger aircraft marked a significant milestone for the national aviation manufacturing industry. We are profoundly proud of our country's achievement. The National 14th Five-Year Plan and the Outline Development Plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area have clearly supported Hong Kong in consolidating and promoting its position as an international aviation hub. Choosing Hong Kong as the destination of the C919's first voyage out of the Mainland, it fully reflects that the country attaches great importance to and supports the development of Hong Kong's aviation industry and its position as an international aviation hub. It also enables members of the public of Hong Kong to admire the home-grown aircraft up close and witness the country's accomplishment in the development of aviation technologies."
     The ExCo Non-official Members commended the CAD's active participation in the research and development of aircraft of the country, saying that it demonstrated the high level of professionalism of Hong Kong in aviation which can contribute to the national development. They expressed the hope that the display event and the related activities will increase members of the public's understanding of the development of the country's aviation industry and technology, and inspire young people's interest in aviation technologies.
     The ExCo Non-official Members joining the visit today were Convenor Mrs Regina Ip, Mr Jeffrey Lam, Mr Martin Liao, Mr Joseph Yam, Dr Moses Cheng and Mrs Margaret Leung.

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