ExCo Member reviews Fire Services passing-out parade


     Non-official Member of the Executive Council Mr Ip Kwok-him reviewed the 186th Fire Services passing-out parade for the passing-out teams of station officers, ambulance officers, senior firemen of the Mobilising and Communications Group, firemen and ambulancemen at the Fire and Ambulance Services Academy today (June 6).
     Speaking at the parade, Mr Ip commended the fire and ambulance personnel of the Fire Services Department (FSD) for their outstanding performance in terms of operational efficiency, professional skills and teamwork, especially when handling major incidents.
     Noting that two people were killed and more than 10 were injured in a fatal traffic accident on the West Kowloon Highway in March this year, Mr Ip said the FSD's Mobilising and Communications Group immediately dispatched fire and ambulance personnel to the scene to carry out rescue operations. During the operation, firefighters used professional tools to rescue trapped passengers from a bus and a truck, both severely damaged, without delay while ambulance crews treated the injured persons at the scene and sent them hospitals.
     Mr Ip also encouraged the graduates to strive for continuous improvement and uphold the value of serving the public with sincerity. Regardless of the challenges and difficulties they may face, they should spare no effort to work together to continue the fine traditions of the FSD, he added.
     The parade was followed by a demonstration of firefighting and rescue techniques by the graduates. The 143 graduates will be posted to the Fire Services Communications Centre as well as various fire stations and ambulance depots.

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