Exchange Fund notes tender results

The following is issued on behalf of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority:

Exchange Fund Notes Tender Results

Tender date : February 19, 2021
Paper on offer : EF Notes
Issue number : 02Y2302
Issue date : February 22, 2021
Maturity date : February 22, 2023
Coupon   0.16% p.a.
Competitive Tender Result    
Amount applied : HK$5,350 MN
Amount allotted : HK$1,200 MN
Average price accepted (yield) : 100.08 (0.12 PCT)
Lowest price accepted (yield) : 100.07 (0.13 PCT)
Pro rata ratio* : About 87 PCT
Average tender price (yield) : 100.00 (0.16 PCT)
Non-competitive Tender Results (for applications submitted through Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Limited)
Amount applied : NIL
Amount allotted : NIL
Allotment Price (yield) : NIL

* "Pro rata ratio" refers to the average percentage of allotment with respect to each tender participant's tendered amount at the "lowest price accepted" level.