Exchange Fund Bills tender results

The following is issued on behalf of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority:

     Exchange Fund Bills tender results:

Tender date : July 21, 2020
Paper on offer : EF Bills
Issue number : Q2030
Issue date : July 22, 2020
Maturity date : October 21, 2020
Amount applied : HK$108,360 MN
Amount allotted : HK$55,530 MN
Average yield accepted : 0.07 PCT
Highest yield accepted : 0.09 PCT
Pro rata ratio : About 91 PCT
Average tender yield : 0.11 PCT
Tender date : July 21, 2020
Paper on offer : EF Bills
Issue number : H2059
Issue date : July 22, 2020
Maturity date : January 20, 2021
Amount applied : HK$38,982 MN
Amount allotted : HK$17,000 MN
Average yield accepted : 0.08 PCT
Highest yield accepted : 0.11 PCT
Pro rata ratio : About 56 PCT
Average tender yield : 0.14 PCT

     Hong Kong Monetary Authority tenders to be held in the week beginning July 27, 2020:

Tender date : July 28, 2020
Paper on offer : EF Bills
Issue number : Q2031
Issue date : July 29, 2020
Maturity date : October 28, 2020
Tenor : 91 Days
Amount on offer : HK$33,391 MN
Tender date : July 28, 2020
Paper on offer : EF Bills
Issue number : H2060
Issue date : July 29, 2020
Maturity date : January 27, 2021
Tenor : 182 Days
Amount on offer : HK$11,800 MN