Excerpts from Dmitry Medvedev’s interview with the Vesti v Subbotu (News on Saturday) programme


The Prime Minister answered the questions of Sergei Brilyov, the programme’s host.

Dmitry Medvedev in an interview with the Vesti v Subbotu Saturday news programme on Rossiya 1 television channel

Dmitry Medvedev: In the past six years, the Government has worked in unprecedented conditions, which include unfavourable changes in the global economy and on the hydrocarbons market, as well as sanctions, starting with those imposed on Russia in 2014. All of this taken together formed a group of shocks the kind of which our country has not encountered in its recent history, not even during the 1998 crisis. It was a very deep crisis, but we were not denied access to [international] financial markets.  Some countries even tried to help us out at that difficult time. But in 2014 and later on, we were left to our own devices. We have no access to international funding, and sanctions have been slapped on Russian companies and individuals. The situation has been compounded by low prices on hydrocarbons, which are our main export items.  I am referring to oil and gas, of course. It has been a difficult period, but on the other hand, it has helped us mobilise. In light of this, the goals we have attained in that period look very impressive.

More to be posted soon…