High Representative/Vice-President Borrell speaks to Palestinian

High Representative/Vice-President Josep Borrell held a phone call with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on Wednesday 30 September 2020.

Their conversation was an opportunity to exchange views on several important issues, including on the socio-economic situation and the prospect of Palestinian elections. In this context, High Representative Borrell reiterated the EU’s continued support to Palestinian state building.

High Representative Borrell and President Abbas also discussed the latest developments related to the Middle East Peace Process. In particular, High Representative Borrell emphasised the EU’s continued commitment to a negotiated and viable two-state solution that respects the internationally agreed parameters and international law and underlined the importance of creating the conditions to rebuild trust and resume dialogue among the parties.

Venezuela: Press release on EU dialogue with stakeholders in Car

Following the Ministerial meeting of the International Contact Group (ICG) on 17 September, in particular the decision of the Group to work for improving electoral conditions in Venezuela, two EEAS officials travelled to Caracas, Venezuela last week. The aim of the visit was to discuss directly the situation in the country and reiterate the EU’s position that electoral conditions now in place do not allow for fair, democratic, competitive elections on 6th of December. The mission underlined the EU position for a peaceful, democratic, Venezuelan-owned solution to the country’s crisis.

This mission included discussions with a wide range of stakeholders, beginning with President of the National Assembly Juan Guaidó and all opposition forces. Meetings also included regime officials, the Venezuelan Episcopal Conference, civil society and the private sector. Issues related to human rights, political prisoners and fundamental freedoms featured prominently on the agenda.

There was widespread support in Caracas to the work of the mission and EU efforts to find spaces for dialogue, thus reinforcing the EU’s role as an interlocutor that can talk to all sides in Venezuela with credibility.

Over the last few months, the High Representative/Vice-President Josep Borrell has had numerous contacts with different political actors in Venezuela, both from the regime and the opposition. The aim of these contacts was to assess the possibilities that the political actors could agree on the necessary democratic conditions for the holding of legislative elections scheduled to take place on 6 December 2020.

HR/VP Borrell has discussed these efforts to foster dialogue and democratic space extensively with EU Member States and international partners, most recently during the International Contact Group ministerial and the Foreign Affairs Council of 21 September. These discussions come on top of the EU’s work with international partners to support international efforts to investigate human rights violations in Venezuela, including with the Lima Group at the UN Human Rights Council.

The EU’s policy vis-à-vis Venezuela remains unchanged: the conditions are not currently there for a free, fair and democratic electoral process to take place. The possibility of postponing the legislative elections in order to open a space for dialogue and change those conditions was discussed. Without a postponement and an improvement in the democratic and electoral conditions, the EU cannot consider sending an electoral observation mission.

The political and humanitarian crisis in Venezuela will not be solved by a single event. It is the time for bold Venezuelan-owned decisions in support of a peaceful and democratic transition. Beyond the immediate issue of legislative elections, the long-term objective remains the path to democracy. There is a need for a negotiation between all stakeholders in Venezuela in order to find a democratic, peaceful and sustainable solution to the needs and demands of the Venezuelan people.

Bosnia and Herzegovina: HR/VP Josep Borrell met with the tripart

High Representative /Vice-President Josep Borrell met with members of the tripartite Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Šefik Džaferović, Milorad Dodik, and Željko Komšić in Brussels on Wednesday.

He welcomed their collective commitment to move Bosnia and Herzegovina forward on its European integration path and to lead the country’s efforts in the implementation of the 14 key priorities set out in the Commission’s Opinion on Bosnia and Herzegovina’s EU membership application.

In this regards, the High Representative commended the recent important decisions made by Bosnia and Herzegovina, allowing the holding of local elections in Mostar, the adoption of the revised National War Crime Strategy, positive steps towards a fully functioning Stabilisation and Association Parliamentary Committee and progress in aligning the country’s foreign policy with EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy.

In the context of the upcoming local elections and beyond, the High Representative encouraged the Presidency members to foster an environment where unity and accord can be found, by lowering political tensions and promoting reconciliation.

The High Representative encouraged the Presidency to remain committed to the implementation of the reforms which will allow the country to advance towards the EU. He also insisted on the need for the authorities to take responsibility in managing the migration situation, with the establishment of a sustainable migration and asylum system.

The High Representative welcomed the good cooperation in tackling the COVID-19 pandemic. He highlighted the importance of positive regional developments. The European Commission will come forward in October with a very substantial Economic and Investment Plan to support the Western Balkans’ long-term recovery and bring the region closer to the EU.

République de Guinée : Déclaration du Haut représentant au nom de l'Union européenne sur l’élection présidentielle du 18 octobre 2020

À l’approche de l’échéance électorale du 18 octobre prochain, l’UE partage les inquiétudes déjà exprimées par les acteurs régionaux et internationaux quant aux conditions dans lesquelles elle se prépare.

L’UE déplore les violences et affrontements survenus dans le contexte électoral de mars 2020 qui ont fait plusieurs victimes et appelle les autorités à mener des enquêtes indépendantes et approfondies afin d’en poursuivre les auteurs. L’UE appelle au respect des libertés publiques, notamment le droit pour chaque citoyen de manifester pacifiquement, dans le cadre prévu par la loi, sans être inquiété, et d’exprimer des opinions politiques sans être arrêté ou emprisonné. Suite à la validation des candidatures par la Cour constitutionnelle le 9 septembre 2020, il est désormais impératif que les autorités et institutions guinéennes compétentes garantissent un processus électoral impartial, transparent, inclusif et équitable, emportant l’adhésion des citoyens et assurant un scrutin aux résultats crédibles et acceptés par tous.

Il importe d’éviter des violences et une détérioration de la situation, avant, pendant et après le scrutin. Dans ce contexte, l’UE réaffirme son plein soutien à toutes initiatives de la CEDEAO, de l’Union africaine, des Nations Unies et de l’Organisation internationale de la Francophonie visant à désamorcer les tensions et à rétablir un dialogue entre les parties en vue de renforcer le cadre électoral. Elle salue à cet égard la mission tripartite de haut niveau de la CEDEAO, de l’Union africaine et des Nations Unies attendue à Conakry ces 1er et 2 octobre prochains.

L’UE appelle donc l’ensemble de la classe politique et de la société civile, ainsi que les administrations concernées, à s’engager de manière constructive et pacifique afin de faire en sorte que ce processus électoral soit consensuel et transparent et participe durablement à la réconciliation entre tous les Guinéens. Elle encourage en particulier les autorités à prendre des initiatives pour contribuer à cet apaisement du climat politique. À cet égard, des mesures telles que la résolution du contentieux des élections locales de février 2018 et la libération de tous les opposants incarcérés seraient de nature à créer un climat favorable au dialogue.

EIOPA sets up its key priorities in the light of the pandemic

The European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) has set out its priorities for 2021-2023 taking into account the current market situation in the light of the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the political priorities defined by the European Commission.

COVID-19 crisis management, risk mitigation and active support to the recovery of the European economy will be the main focus for the future. Consumer protection will remain a key strategic priority in light of increasing risks emerging from the crisis.

In addition, EIOPA will continue to work on a number of activities such as digitalisation and cyber risk, sustainable finance, supervisory convergence, financial stability of the insurance and occupational pensions sectors as well as pan-European Personal Pension Product.

The priorities are detailed in the Single Programming Document, adopted by the Board of Supervisors on 29 September 2020.

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