
Daily News 02 / 06 / 2017

President Juncker and Commissioner Malmström at the 12th EU-China Business Summit This morning, President Juncker and Commissioner Malmström spoke at the 12th EU-China Business Summit, an event that provides an opportunity for EU and Chinese leaders to exchange views with representatives … read more

CALENDRIER du 05 juin au 11 juin 2017

(Susceptible de modifications en cours de semaine) Déplacements et visites   Lundi 05 juin 2017 Whit Monday Ms Federica Mogherini in Bamako, Mali (until 06/06): on official visit. Mr Valdis Dombrovskis in Riga, Latvia: meets representatives of the Association of … read more

ESMA updates its CSDR Q&As

The updated Q&As include new answers regarding certain aspects of the regime applying to central securities depositories (CSDs): CSDs’ investment policy; access to CSDs; and conditions to provide services in another Member State. The purpose of this document is to … read more