Extracts of speech given by HR/VP Federica Mogherini to the Conf

“We live in a moment when security, fundamental freedoms and human rights are under attack in many parts of the globe. I know we are united, in Europe and in Africa, in mourning the victims of any terrorist attack as the one that took place in London yesterday night, or the ones in Mali and Niger just a few days ago. But it is not only the suffering that unites us, it is also our common determination to fight terrorism and prevent radicalisation. We are united in a global challenge that requires strong institutions and open societies.”

“The events in The Gambia have given us hope: that democracy can win, and it can win with peaceful means. It is a success story that still needs all our support, and you can count on the EU support, fully.”

“Just a few days ago, Europe and Africa came together to restate our support to the Paris agreement on climate change. I want to thank Moussa Faki and President Condé for their leadership. The people of this region experience climate change every day. When global temperatures increase by one degree, the desert advances into your villages. (…) The European Union will continue to implement the Paris agreement – because we care about our planet, (…) because it is an investment in our own security. And also because we care about this land, and we want to fight the instability that global warming is bringing to this part of the world. Again, we do it because we are reliable friends, and also because we know this is the right, the smart thing to do also for ourselves”.

“Si l’Afrique de l’Ouest est en mesure de libérer tout son potentiel, les avantages se feront sentir jusqu’en Europe. Votre force est notre force. “

“Les attaques de ces derniers jours à Tombouctou en sont la preuve : les terroristes cherchent à attaquer notre coopération et notre aide pour renforcer et soutenir les forces de sécurité du Mali. Mais cela ne marchera pas, cela ne marchera jamais. L’Union européenne continuera à appuyer le fonctionnement de l’Architecture Africaine pour la Paix et la Sécurité. Nous prévoyons également de soutenir l’émergence d’une force conjointe du  G5 Sahel  – un autre signe du rôle de la coopération régionale pour la sécurité commune.”

“Je voudrais aussi citer ce que Moussa Faki [Président de la Commission de l’Union Africaine] a dit au Parlement européen le mois dernier, et que je partage complètement : Il n’y a qu’une  seule  solution de long terme au phénomène de la migration irrégulière : c’est de “développer l’Afrique, et réinventer pour notre jeunesse un avenir  meilleur dans le continent.   Notre   partenariat trouve ici un champ, encore inexploité, d’une exceptionnelle communauté d’intérêts et d’avantages mutuels.”

“Ces derniers mois, nous avons déjà commencé à expérimenter une nouvelle approche, potentiellement une révolution, pour les investissements européens en Afrique. Je parle du Plan d’investissement extérieur européen.”

Link to whole speech:


Reported abduction and illegal detention of Azerbaijani national

The alleged abduction and illegal arbitrary detention of Azerbaijani nationals, including human rights defenders, residing in Georgia followed by their arrest and prosecution in Azerbaijan, demands swift, thorough and transparent investigation. 

We welcome the launch of such an investigation in Georgia as announced by its leadership.

A review by Azerbaijan of any and all cases of incarceration related to the exercise of fundamental rights, including the freedom of expression, and immediate release all of those concerned is urgent, in line with Azerbaijan’s international commitments. 

We expect that the due process of law is respected, as well as the civil and political rights of citizens and those residing legally in states other than their own. 

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights clearly states that “No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile”. 

The European Union will continue to follow these cases closely.

High Representative/Vice-President Federica Mogherini meets with

Federica Mogherini, High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy/Vice-President of the European Commission, met today with Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu in the margins of the Conference of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). They exchanged views on bilateral relations, the Middle East peace process and regional issues.

One day before the 50th anniversary of the beginning of the 6-day war, the High Representative reiterated her call for an end of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. A concerted international effort led by the Quartet and working with partners in the region, offer good opportunities to focus on the preservation of the two-state solution as the only viable way of achieving a comprehensive, just and lasting peace.

In this context, High Representative Mogherini discussed with Prime Minister Netanyahu how concrete progress can be reached. She also reaffirmed the EU’s commitment to work together with both Israel and Palestinians to this end, as well as key regional and international players, the Middle East peace process remaining a top priority for the EU’s foreign policy and Europeans.

London Attacks: Statement by European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker

I watched the events unfold in London last night in horror.

The cowardly people who committed these attacks will not undermine our resilience, our compassion or our democracies.

I know that the people of London will carry on defiantly, just like the people of Manchester showed us such a short time ago. The European Union, its Member States and its allies around the world will stand with them in solidarity. Together we will continue to uphold the values that make us peaceful, democratic, open and tolerant societies.

My thoughts now are with the victims and their families.

Statement on the criminal charges brought against Russian human

The criminal charges brought against activist Valentina Cherevatenko, a leader in the NGO “Union of Women of Don”, represent the first criminal case opened under the “foreign agents” law in Russia.

The practice of declaring NGOs as “foreign agents” restricts civil society and impedes the exercise of fundamental freedoms.

Ms Cherevatenko’s outstanding work on human rights education, peace building, and humanitarian issues is well-known and widely appreciated.