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12 October 2017
Eurojust supported the international joint operation launched today by the Office of the Attorney General (OAG) of Switzerland, in close cooperation with the judicial and law enforcement authorities of France, Greece, Italy and Spain.
The framework of today’s joint operation is a new criminal proceeding carried out by the OAG of Switzerland in the context of a series of ongoing football-related criminal investigations. This new criminal proceeding of the OAG is conducted on suspicion of, inter alia, passive private corruption and other crimes in connection with the award of media rights for certain countries at the FIFA World Cups of 2018, 2022, 2026 and 2030.
Multiple premises were searched, assets were seized and interviews were conducted as a result of this joint operation.
Through a coordination centre established today at its premises in The Hague, Eurojust supported the coordination of the international joint operations and ensured the transmission and execution of rogatory letters as well as the swift exchange of operational information collected on the ground among all judicial and law enforcement authorities involved.
For inquiries and further information regarding the criminal proceedings of the OAG of Switzerland, please contact:
Office of the Attorney General of Switzerland
Communication Services
Link to the press release of the OAG of Switzerland:
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