Agency’s Recommendation 008REC1102 on Revision of Chapter 7.5 of Regulation 454/2011 (TAP TSI) and chapter 7.2 (change management) of Regulation 1305/2014 (TAF TSI)

Agency’s Recommendation 008REC1102 on Revision of Chapter 7.5 of Regulation 454/2011 (TAP TSI) and chapter 7.2 (change management) of Regulation 1305/2014 (TAF TSI) Reference: 008REC1102 Publication Date : 23/04/2018 Published by: Interoperability Document Types: Recommendation Keywords: TAP; TAF; Recommendation Description: Agency’s Recommendation 008REC1102 on Revision of Chapter 7.5 of Regulation 454/2011 (TAP TSI) and chapter 7.2 (change management) of Regulation 1305/2014 (TAF TSI) Related documents:

Agency’s Recommendation 008REC1102 on Revision of Chapter 7.5 of Regulation 454/2011 (TAP TSI) and chapter 7.2 (change management) of Regulation 1305/2014 (TAF TSI)

Agency’s Recommendation 008REC1102 on Revision of Chapter 7.5 of Regulation 454/2011 (TAP TSI) and chapter 7.2 (change management) of Regulation 1305/2014 (TAF TSI) Reference: 008REC1102 Publication Date : 23/04/2018 Published by: Interoperability Document Types: Recommendation Keywords: TAP; TAF; Recommendation Description: Agency’s Recommendation 008REC1102 on Revision of Chapter 7.5 of Regulation 454/2011 (TAP TSI) and chapter 7.2 (change management) of Regulation 1305/2014 (TAF TSI) Related documents:

LIBE Committee expected to vote on ETIAS

​The Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) is expected to take a vote representing provisional agreement on the proposed Regulation for the European Travel Information and Authorisation System (ETIAS) later today. Voting is scheduled to start at 11am CET.

The key function of ETIAS is to check information submitted by visa-exempt third country nationals, via an online application ahead of their arrival at EU external borders, and see if they pose certain risks for irregular migration, security or public health. This will be done by automatically processing each application submitted against other EU information systems and a dedicated ETIAS watchlist whilst respecting clearly defined screening rules. This examination will help determine that there are no factual indications or reasonable grounds to prevent a travel authorisation from being issued.

A livestream of the LIBE Committee meeting can be followed here.

Furter information on ETIAS:

LIBE Committee expected to vote on ETIAS

​The Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) is expected to take a vote representing provisional agreement on the proposed Regulation for the European Travel Information and Authorisation System (ETIAS) later today. Voting is scheduled to start at 11am CET.

The key function of ETIAS is to check information submitted by visa-exempt third country nationals, via an online application ahead of their arrival at EU external borders, and see if they pose certain risks for irregular migration, security or public health. This will be done by automatically processing each application submitted against other EU information systems and a dedicated ETIAS watchlist whilst respecting clearly defined screening rules. This examination will help determine that there are no factual indications or reasonable grounds to prevent a travel authorisation from being issued.

A livestream of the LIBE Committee meeting can be followed here.

Furter information on ETIAS:

How age limits children’s access to rights

How age limits children’s access to rights | European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights