
Agency’s Recommendation 008REC1102 on Revision of Chapter 7.5 of Regulation 454/2011 (TAP TSI) and chapter 7.2 (change management) of Regulation 1305/2014 (TAF TSI)

Agency’s Recommendation 008REC1102 on Revision of Chapter 7.5 of Regulation 454/2011 (TAP TSI) and chapter 7.2 (change management) of Regulation 1305/2014 (TAF TSI) Reference: 008REC1102 Publication Date : 23/04/2018 Published by: Interoperability Document Types: Recommendation Keywords: TAP; TAF; Recommendation Description: … read more

Agency’s Recommendation 008REC1102 on Revision of Chapter 7.5 of Regulation 454/2011 (TAP TSI) and chapter 7.2 (change management) of Regulation 1305/2014 (TAF TSI)

Agency’s Recommendation 008REC1102 on Revision of Chapter 7.5 of Regulation 454/2011 (TAP TSI) and chapter 7.2 (change management) of Regulation 1305/2014 (TAF TSI) Reference: 008REC1102 Publication Date : 23/04/2018 Published by: Interoperability Document Types: Recommendation Keywords: TAP; TAF; Recommendation Description: … read more

LIBE Committee expected to vote on ETIAS

​The Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) is expected to take a vote representing provisional agreement on the proposed Regulation for the European Travel Information and Authorisation System (ETIAS) later today. Voting is scheduled to start at … read more

LIBE Committee expected to vote on ETIAS

​The Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) is expected to take a vote representing provisional agreement on the proposed Regulation for the European Travel Information and Authorisation System (ETIAS) later today. Voting is scheduled to start at … read more