Forward look: 15 – 28 February 2021

Overview of the main topics and events at the Council of EU and European Council.

The location and the format (physical or virtual) indicated for each meeting are subject to change.

Informal video conference of economic and finance ministers, 16 February 2021

Ministers will focus on economic recovery in the EU, including the current economic situation and the implementation of the Recovery and Resilience Facility. They will also cover international issues, the EU list of non-cooperative tax jurisdictions and issues linked to the annual EU budget.

Informal video conference of education ministers, 19 February 2021

Ministers will hold a policy debate on equity in access, inclusion and success for all in education and training.

Foreign Affairs Council, 22 February 2021

EU ministers of foreign affairs will be briefed about current affairs and exchange views on Russia, the Strategic Compass and Hong Kong.

Informal video conference of agriculture and fisheries ministers, 22 February 2021

Ministers will discuss the state of play of the bilateral EU-UK consultations on setting definite fishing opportunities for 2021.

Informal video conference of European affairs ministers, 23 February 2021

European Council, the Conference on the Future of Europe and the EU-UK relations will be on the agenda of the Informal video conference of European affairs ministers.

Video conference of the members of the European Council, 25-26 February 2021

The members of the European Council will meet via video conference to discuss the current situation of the COVID-19 pandemic, preparedness for health threats, security and defence, and relations with the Southern Neighbourhood.

Informal video conference of internal market and industry ministers, 25 February 2021

Ministers will exchange views on how national recovery and resilience plans can help EU achieve industrial policy goals (as a contribution to the European Semester process), have a policy debate on the New Consumer Agenda and discuss the way forward regarding the proposed public country-by-country reporting directive.

Informal video conference of research ministers, 26 February 2021

Ministers will exchange views on the possible synergies between the European Research Area (ERA) and recovery and resilience plans and will take stock of information on the latest state of play in pending files and of future initiatives in the field of research.

Weekly schedule of President Charles Michel

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Ukraine: EIB provides €320 million for COVID-19 vaccines and improvements in operational resilience at Boryspil International Airport

  • EU bank provides €50 million to Ukraine for COVID-19 vaccines and supply chain equipment.
  • A further €270 million will be used to finance improvements at Boryspil International Airport (KBP), the largest airport in Ukraine and the main international gateway.
  • With a record investment of over €1 billion in Ukraine in 2020, the EU bank continues to make a much-needed contribution to the Ukrainian economy and its people.  

The European Investment Bank (EIB) and the Government of Ukraine have agreed on a new €320 million financial package to help accelerate Ukraine’s recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and to rebuild airport infrastructure and increase its operational resilience. The EU bank will lend €270 million to the state-owned Boryspil International Airport for airport infrastructure rehabilitation and aviation security and safety enhancement. Another €50 million under the Ukraine Municipal Infrastructure Programme has been repurposed to purchase much-needed COVID-19 vaccines and the related supply chain equipment.

In response to the COVID-19 crisis, the EU bank, as part of Team Europe, rapidly redirected its efforts towards fighting the pandemic and its economic consequences and supporting the faster economic and social recovery of Ukraine. In 2020, the year of the worst global health and economic crisis for generations, the EIB invested over €1 billion in Ukraine, marking the second-highest investment volume in the history of the Bank’s activities in the country.

EIB President Werner Hoyer said: “It is a real pleasure to welcome Prime Minister Shmyhal and Infrastructure Minister Kryklii and their teams to Luxembourg today. As the EU bank, the EIB is deeply committed to supporting our neighbours in the Eastern Partnership region and Ukraine in particular. In 2020, we delivered a record investment of over €1 billion in Ukraine. Our operations focused on support for conflict-affected regions of eastern Ukraine, infrastructure rehabilitation and development, innovation, improvements in public transport and business recovery as part of the Team Europe effort to respond to the impact of the coronavirus crisis. We have started 2021 with very timely initiatives as we move towards a post-COVID-19 recovery. As the EU bank, we are ready to help alleviate the pressure of the pandemic by protecting the population of Ukraine, building resilience and supporting initiatives such as the operations signed today to support growth and recovery.” 

EIB Vice-President Teresa Czerwińska, who is responsible for operations in Ukraine, said: “Access to vaccines is the key to saving lives and to allowing life in Ukraine to return to normal as quickly as possible. The EIB is pleased to be contributing towards this. As part of Team Europe, we are maintaining strong support to Ukraine in this time of need and the new EIB initiatives outlined today continue our strong track record of boosting the country’s sustainable economic and social development. We are also looking beyond the COVID-19 crisis, investing in Boryspil International Airport, a key piece of infrastructure that is vital for the long-term economic development of Ukraine. Together with the Ukrainian government, we have made strategic investments in a better, more resilient and economically prosperous future for Ukraine, reinforcing the EU bank’s role as a reliable ally.”

The Ambassador Matti Maasikas, Head of the EU Delegation to Ukraine, said:These two loans signed today are very important for Ukraine’s resilience and post-COVID recovery. First of all, the support for vaccine purchase and supply chains, on top of the already mobilised EU COVID assistance, COVAX deliveries and the EU-WHO action to support deployment of COVID-19 vaccines and vaccination in Eastern partnership countries announced yesterday, will help speed up the vaccination process in Ukraine. It is incredibly important to win this race against time – when it comes to COVID, no one is safe until everyone is. The investment into Boryspil International Airport’s western airfield system, including the western runway, is an important contribution not only to Ukraine’s economic recovery after the current period of travel restrictions, but also to fostering climate security, as it will focus on existing airport capacity, its safety, security and sustainability, not on expansion.”

The Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal remarked: “With this additional EIB and EU support, we are continuing to ensure that we are well funded to support Ukraine’s health system and help strengthen protection measures for the population in response to the COVID-19 crisis. The EIB financing will enable us to purchase COVID-19 vaccines critical for gaining control over the spread of the virus and getting back to normal sooner. COVID-19 is also altering airport business operations. The loan signed today for Boryspil International Airport will ensure the development of infrastructure and strengthen the position of the international hub. We would once again like to thank the EIB for its long-standing cooperation and support. We believe that together we will be able to work out possible mechanisms to support Ukraine during the pandemic.”

€50 million to vaccinate Ukrainian people against COVID-19

The EU bank will provide €50 million to help Ukraine combat the coronavirus. The funds will go towards purchasing COVID-19 vaccines and the related cold supply chain equipment that is key for the successful distribution of vaccines across the country. The loan reinforces Ukraine’s ability to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic. The operation is part of the overall COVID-19 response support provided by Team Europe.

These funds will be made available from the existing €400 million Ukraine Municipal Infrastructure Programme (UMIP) being implemented by the Ministry of Communities and Territories Development. The Ukrainian Ministry of Health will implement the COVID-19 facility in cooperation with the Project Management Support Unit under UMIP to provide strategic and operational advice as well as project management support to both ministries.

€270 million to improve Boryspil International Airport

The €270 million loan for Boryspil International Airport (KВР) will improve energy efficiency, aviation safety and security, as well as the operational resilience of Ukraine’s largest international airport that accounts for some 60% of all passenger air traffic in the country.  

The operation will enable the rehabilitation of the western airfield system, including the western runway (18R-36L). The reconstructed runway will replace the current obsolete one and will improve the airport’s operational flexibility. The EU bank loan will also enable the airport to improve airside ground circulation and upgrade safety with state-of-the-art airfield lighting and instrument landing systems.

Ukrainian Minister of Infrastructure Vladyslav Kryklii said: “Thanks to the support of our international partners from the EIB and the implementation of the Boryspil Airport development project, we will bring the airport up to modern standards, increasing the technical equipment and competitiveness of the enterprise. This will help Ukraine in the further successful development of the aviation industry.”

Acting CEO of Boryspil International Airport Oleh Struk said: “Cooperation with the EIB with the support of the Ukrainian government and the Ministry of Infrastructure is extremely important for Boryspil International Airport. This is particularly crucial during these difficult times for the entire aviation industry. This loan will enable us to implement a project to rebuild flight zone No 2 and later, after the full resumption of flights and passenger traffic, will be the financial basis for implementing the government-approved airport development concept. We have a lot of work ahead of us.”

The project is fully consistent with the EIB Climate Bank Roadmap. The roadmap excludes new investments in airport capacity expansions from 11 November 2020 and instead focuses on improving the existing airport capacity, including investments in safety, security and sustainability, which are planned under the €270 million loan for Boryspil International Airport.

Media advisory – Informal video conference of economic and finance ministers of 16 February 2021

Indicative programme

João Leão, Minister of State and Finance of Portugal

Beginning of the informal video conference of economic and finance ministers 

+/- 10.05
– Current financial services legislative proposals (public session)

– Economic recovery in the European Union
a) Economic situation and outlook
b) Implementation of the Recovery and Resilience Facility
d) Financing of the NGEU 

– Recommendation on the discharge to be given to the Commission in respect of the implementation of the budget for 2019

– Conclusions on the budget guidelines for 2022

– International Issues
a) EU Global Recovery Initiative
b) Preparation of the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors meeting on 26 February 2021 – EU Terms of Reference 

– Conclusions on the EU list of non-cooperative jurisdictions for tax purposes

– Other business

At the end of the meeting (+/-14.00) press conference in live streaming.

Arrangements for the press conference

Please note that the press conference after the meeting will take place remotely. In order to participate and ask questions, EU accredited journalists should register using this link.

Journalists who already registered for previous press conferences of economic and finance ministers do not need to do it again.

  • Deadline for the registration: Tuesday 16 February, 12.30

Further instructions will be sent to all registered participants after the deadline.

Videos and photos from the event

Single programming document 2021–2023

EMCDDA, Lisbon, February 2021


The new Single programming document sets out the EMCDDA’s activities for the period 2021–2023, marking the start of a new five-year roadmap under Strategy 2025. At the heart of the agency’s work in 2021 will be the development of a new business model, which places customers and digital transformation at its core. The main activities include the further development of information collection and analysis methods, cooperation with the EMCDDA’s networks at the EU and international level, collaboration within the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA 7) and EU4Monitoring Drugs (EU4MD) projects, and a bilateral project with Georgia (EMCDDA4GE). Among the main outputs for 2021 are the European Drug Report, a new Responses guide and an Insights publication on prison and drugs in Europe.

Download as PDF

Table of contents

  • Foreword by the EMCDDA Director
  • List of abbreviations
  • Mission statement
  • General context
  • Multiannual programming 2021-2023
  • EMCDDA work programme 2021
  • Annexes

Main subject: