EUIPO-KIPO Exchange on new technologies and AI

December 09, 2020 General

EUIPO-KIPO Exchange on new technologies and AI

Following the exchanges in the TM5&ID5 forums, a virtual meeting took place between EUIPO and the Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO) on 7-8 December on new technologies and Artificial Intelligence-related matters.

This meeting falls under the bilateral framework of technical cooperation between the EUIPO and KIPO, as part of the activities envisaged in the Working Plan 2020-2021.

The meeting allowed for the sharing of information and knowledge on the latest advances of both Offices regarding new technologies and the application of Artificial Intelligence both externally for enhanced user services, and internally, to improve internal efficiency, security and ease the examination process.

Particular attention was dedicated to EUIPO’s AI roadmap and latest developments, the EUIPO Blockchain IP register project, the KIPOnet system, KIPO’s latest advances on Image Search and their mobile app for e-filing.