April 20, 2020 About the EUIPO
EUIPO Guidelines in electronic format: new functionalities
The EUIPO Guidelines for Examination of EUTMs and RCDs in electronic format have been enhanced with new functionalities.
Among the improvements, an advanced search function and the possibility to download a PDF on Part and Section level have been made available, following the feedback received from users.
An advanced search function has been made available to allow users to better define searches. It is now possible to search in the entire Trade Mark or Design Guidelines publication, in a specific Part, or in a specific Section. In which Part or Section a search is initiated depends on where you have navigated to within the Guidelines.
Additionally, in order to improve the user experience, the term searched for (or its linguistic variant) is now highlighted in the list of search results. So-called ‘breadcrumbs’ have also been added to the search results list, enabling users to easily spot the searched terms in the Guidelines.
Part and Section-level PDFs have also been made available to download from the Guidelines. The type of PDF that will open depends on and recognises the following:
a) in which publication (Trade Mark Guidelines or Design Guidelines) you are browsing;
b) in which edition you are browsing (2017, 2020);
c) where in the Guidelines you have navigated to (which Part or Section);
d) in which language you are browsing, and
e) whether you have ‘Show modifications’ turned on or off; either a ‘clean’ version or a version with tracked changes will open.
The updated tutorial provides more detailed information about the new features, including the improved search functionalities (pages 11-13) and how to download each type of PDF (page 16).
In addition to these improvements, the responsive design which allows the Guidelines to be consulted from other devices, such as a tablet or smart phone, has also been enhanced.
The EUIPO welcomes your feedback and continues to work on further improvements for an enhanced user experience on the Guidelines.
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