EUIPO Executive Director meets Commissioner Ylva Johansson

September 11, 2020 About the EUIPO

EUIPO Executive Director meets Commissioner Ylva Johansson

The Executive Director of the EUIPO, Christian Archambeau, has held a virtual meeting with the EU Commissioner for Home Affairs, Ms Ylva Johansson.

It was the first bilateral meeting between Mr Archambeau and Ms Johansson, who took office on 1 December 2019.

Mr Archambeau presented the EUIPO’s Strategic Plan 2025 and the activities of the European Observatory on Infringements of Intellectual Property Rights.

During the meeting, Mr Archambeau stressed the commitment of the EUIPO to pursue ongoing collaboration with the European Commission on aspects of common interest and to explore future cooperation opportunities, notably with regard to the IP policy agenda and the fight against counterfeiting and piracy.

The EUIPO’s cooperation with other EU institutions and agencies working in this field under the responsibility of Home Affairs, such as Europol, CEPOL, and Frontex was also discussed, as was the growing impact of intellectual property crime and its links to other serious crimes.

Mr Archambeau has engaged in a series of bilateral meetings with EU representatives. Through these contacts, the EUIPO is actively seeking to contribute to the European Commission and EU institutions’ policies within the field of IP rights and their protection.