eu-LISA regulation

eu-LISA regulation


EDPS Opinion on the proposal for a Regulation on eu-LISA.

1st Joint Parliamentary Scrutiny Group on Europol


On 9 October, the EDPS Giovanni Buttarelli has been invited to appear before the Joint Parliamentary Scrutiny Group on Europol (JPSG). This first meeting follows the EDPS/Europol Management Board meeting that took place on 3 October 2017. When discussing with MEPs and national DPAs, Giovanni Buttarelli underlined the importance of the supervisory role of the EDPS and the JPSG. Since May 2017 a new chapter has been opened. The EDPS intends to carry on its supervisory activity through three main strategic elements: accountability, cooperation and innovation.

Watch video

Recommendations on the proposed ePrivacy Regulation


EDPS recommendations on specific aspects of the proposed ePrivacy Regulation.

Read here.

2018 International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners


40th edition of the international conference will focus on digital ethics and data driven technologies.
Read the press release and watch the conference video.

EDPS Newsletter 53


The September 2017 edition of the EDPS Newsletter is online now!

A crucial moment for communications privacy


Data protection by design will become a legal obligation under GDPR, read blogpost by Giovanni Buttarelli.

The State of the Data Protection Union


The EU data protection framework is about to change , read blogpost by Giovanni Buttarelli.

Hate speech, Fake News and Security


The EDPS participated in the Hate Speech and Security Summit in Rome. The Summit was organised by the Italian Presidency of the G7 and was also attended by seven Bar Associations.
The initiative was aimed at developing a common strategy and reinforcing the importance of protecting human dignity and the right to privacy in the era of hate speech and fake news.
In his intervention, Giovanni Buttarelli stressed the importance of political will, a common framework and the wise use of new technologies.

See video

A digital Europe needs data protection


The Commission’s proposal for a Regulation establishing a single digital gateway and the once-only principle is a necessary development in the modernisation of administrative services throughout the EU. However, some key issues related to data protection must be taken into account for the future development of the once-only principle. Read the EDPS Opinion and the press release.

Teenagers on privacy


How do millennials relate to digital life and privacy? Read blogpost by Giovanni Buttarelli

EU-Japan cooperation on data protection


Giovanni Buttarelli and Jiro Akama, Japanese State Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications, have met on convergence and cooperation between EU and Japan on data protection.

Debating Ethics: Dignity and Respect in Data Driven Life


In March this year, my respected colleague Ventislav Karadjov, Chairman of the Commission for Personal Data Protection of the Republic of Bulgaria (CPDP) and I announced that we will jointly be hosting the 40th annual International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners in October 2018.

Read blogpost by Giovanni Buttarelli

EDPS meets Japanese PPC


The EDPS and the Personal Information Protection Commission (PPC) in Japan have met to discuss the implementation of forthcoming GDPR. The new regulation reinforces international cooperation outside the EU including the DPAs of third countries.

30th Anniversary, Privacy Law and Business Annual Conference


On 4 July 2017, Giovanni Buttarelli to speak on the transition from the EU Art. 29 Working Party to the European Data Protection Board at the Privacy Law & Business 30th Anniversary Annual Conference. Other topics will include the need for a Digital ClearingHouse for regulators from different sectors and countries to have an exchange of views, as well as the digital ethics in the privacy debate.

A New Chapter for EU Data Protection


On 28 June 2017, the Assistant Supervisor Wojciech Wiewiórowski will participate in the conference ‘A New Chapter for EU Data Protection: Managing accountability and compliance in the Reform era’ hosted by the European Parliament’s Data Protection Service.

The event will inform about the potential changes the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), coming into force on 25 May 2018, might bring for EP officials, and how to tackle these new challenges.

Web streaming of the event is available here.

New EDPS Newsletter


In the June 2017 edition of the EDPS Newsletter we introduce you to our new-look Newsletter and cover the EDPS Opinion on ePrivacy.

Other interesting topics, such as our continuing work on data ethics through #DataDrivenLife workshop, the launch of our 2016 Annual Report, the supervision of Europol and the first meeting of the Digital Clearinghouse are also covered.

Read the newsletter

Annual Privacy Forum 2017


The Annual Privacy Forum took place on 7 June 2017. Wojciech Wiewiórowski focused his speech on cybersecurity and Wannacry attack.
Read blogpost by Wojciech Wiewiórowski

41st EDPS-DPO meeting, Tallinn


The EDPS and the DPOs from the EU institutions and bodies met yesterday at eu-LISA to discuss, among others, about individuals’ rights under the revised Regulation on data protection.

Read blogpost by Wojciech Wiewiórowski.

First meeting of the Digital Clearinghouse


Read blogpost by Giovanni Buttarelli and the statement from the participants at the meeting.

Interoperability in the field of migration, asylum and security


EDPS welcomes the report of the High-level expert group on information systems and interoperability. Please read the EDPS statement on the concept of interoperability in the field of migration, asylum and security.

IPEN Workshop, Vienna


On 9 June 2017, the EDPS is hosting an IPEN workshop in Vienna.

The GDPR will become fully applicable less than a year after the workshop, and it will make data protection by design and by default a legal obligation for data controllers. Several presentations will address conceptual issues of privacy engineering.

The IPEN initiative was founded in 2014. It supports the creation of engineer groups working on (re)-usable building blocks, design patterns and other tools for selected internet use cases where privacy is at stake.

Read more about the workshop.

Web streaming of the event is available here.

Data Protection within International Organizations


Read the opening speech by Giovanni Buttarelli given at Workshop organised by the International Organization for Migration and the EDPS.

#DataDrivenLife – EDPS workshop on Digital Ethics


On 18 May 2017, the EDPS is hosting a workshop on Data Driven Life in Brussels (see the agenda). This is the second workshop in the series organised by the EDPS advancing the global debate on the ethical dimension of the digital revolution.

Read more – blogpost by Giovanni Buttarelli.

Watch the web streaming.

ePrivacy Regulation


EDPS calls for strong and smart new rules to protect confidentiality of communications. Read the EDPS opinion and the press release.

New era in the data protection supervision of Europol


Under the new Europol Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/794), the EDPS will take over responsibility from the JSB for the data protection supervision of Europol as from the beginning of May.
The JSB, after long and honourable service to data protection in the EU, will pass its role to the EDPS, an EU institution and the supervisory authority for the EU institutions and bodies.
The EDPS will provide advice on data protection issues to Europol and carry out inspections as well as investigating complaints from individuals.

Read blogpost by Giovanni Buttarelli.

Necessity toolkit


As part of our commitment to facilitating responsible and informed policymaking, the EDPS has published a necessity toolkit. Read the necessity toolkit and the press release.

Increasing cooperation between EDPS and FRA


The European Data Protection Supervisor and the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights sign a Memorandum of Understanding to increase cooperation in the field of data protection. Read blogpost.

Presenting Our New Website


Our website has undergone quite a makeover! With new features and drop down menus, we present you our new look website to share information about who we are and what we do. Watch the video to learn more about it.

Read how the EDPS is organised under the About EDPS section; for detailed information on our data protection work, Ethics, IPEN, Big Data and more, go to our Data Protection section. Look in our Press & Publications section for our newsletter, blog, press releases, press kit and speeches. Happy browsing!

We would appreciate your feedback


We’d love to know what you think of our new website. Take a few minutes to share your impressions with us by filling in our feedback form. Form available in ENFRDE

60th anniversary of the Rome Treaties


60th anniversary of the Rome Treaties. Giovanni Buttarelli to participate in the meeting of the 27 EU heads of state and heads of European Union institutions in Rome, Italy.

Digital Content


EDPS sees opportunity for stronger consumer and data protection. Read the EDPS Opinion and the press release.

Data Protection and EU institutions


Data Protection and the EU institutions. Read the latest blogpost by Giovanni Buttarelli and the EDPS Opinion.



2018 International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners to be hosted in Brussels. Read the press statement.



EDPS calls for consistent improvements in the approach to EU border policy. Read the EDPS Opinion and the press release.

What to expect when we inspect?


EDPS factsheet on inspections. We carry out inspections in accordance with our Annual Inspection Plan. To establish this plan, we conduct a risk analysis and take into account the resources available for carrying out inspections. Security audits of large scale IT systems and applications take place according to the laws governing their supervision.
The EDPS tries to combine inspections with information sessions on data protection, organised in cooperation with your institution’s DPO. If you receive an invitation to attend a data protection training we encourage you to join us!