EU boosts its partnership with Cabo Verde

Commissioner for International Cooperation and Development Neven Mimica is on an official visit to Cabo Verde, a country with which the EU has a special partnership since 2007. The visit takes place as a follow-up of the meeting between President Jean-Claude Juncker and President Jorge Carlos Fonseca on 18 June 2019.

Ahead of the visit, commissioner Mimica said: “I am here to recall the longstanding relations and the importance of our special partnership which has already delivered good results in the areas of migration and mobility, trade, renewable energy, sustainable fisheries, and maritime security. In the framework of the Africa-Europe Alliance for Sustainable Investment and Jobs, we are committed to strengthen it even further.”

During his visit, commissioner Mimica is announcing an EU co-funded project (€3.5 million) in the area of sustainable urban development to improve water and sanitation infrastructure for the city of Praia. The project will be carried out in partnership with the city of Madrid.

Commissioner Mimica is also meeting with the President of Cabo Verde Jorge Carlos Fonseca, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Communities, and Defence Luís Felipe Tavares, and the Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Finance/NAO, Olavo Avelino Garcia Correia.

At the occasion of his visit, the Commissioner will visit several EU funded projects, such as the solid waste treatment centre located on Santiago island. He will furthermore visit the cultural visitor centre and EU square in Cidade Velha, the Amilcar Cabral Foundation and its museum to the memory of this leader of the Independence.


The EU’s Special Partnership with Cabo Verde dates back to 2007. It includes a regular political dialogue and the promotion of policy convergence through cooperation for sustainable development. The partnership is based on close human and cultural links, shared political values as well as common interests. It provides a framework for close cooperation under six pillars: good governance; security and stability, including increased cooperation in fighting illegal migration, drug-trafficking and organised crime; regional integration; technology and standards convergence; knowledge-based society; poverty alleviation and development. Furthermore, two years ago, on the 10th anniversary of the Special Partnership, additional areas for cooperation were added: investment, jobs and growth; ocean governance and blue economy and reform of the administration.

For the period 2014-2020, the EU has allocated €79 million under the 11th European Development Fund to Cabo Verde, notably in the area of good governance to reduce poverty and boost growth, security, information society, regional integration, normative and technical convergence.

More information

EU’s cooperation with Cabo Verde