ESMA updates Q&As on the BMR Transitional Provision


The Q&A’s further clarify the applicable transitional provisions for third-country benchmarks as  set out in the BMR.

The purpose of this Q&A is to promote common supervisory approaches and practices in the application of BMR. It provides responses to questions posed by the general public, market participants and competent authorities in relation to the practical application of the BMR.

The content of this document is aimed at competent authorities under the Benchmarks Regulation to ensure that their supervisory activities are aligned with the common practices set out in the responses adopted by ESMA. The updated Q&A also provide guidance to market participants on BMR requirements.

Next steps

ESMA will continue to periodically review these Q&A and update them where required.

Further information:

Sarah Edwards

Communications Officer

✆   +33 (1)58 36 64 23


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