Escalation of violence in Idlib: Foreign Secretary statement

Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab.

Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab.

Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab said:

I condemn the killing of at least 33 Turkish soldiers in Idlib yesterday. We express our deepest condolences to the Turkish government and people.

We support our NATO ally Turkey’s efforts to negotiate an immediate and lasting ceasefire in Idlib, which is imperative if this already dangerous situation is not to deteriorate further. We will be calling for an emergency UN Security Council session today in New York.

Yesterday’s events only confirmed the reckless and brutal nature of the offensive which the Syrian regime and Russia are conducting in Idlib. This has created the gravest humanitarian crisis of the entire war.

There is no justification for such blatant disregard of international law or basic human decency. Building on new sanctions announced earlier this month, we will work with our international partners to tighten this screw further until these crimes stop.


The UK has provided £118 million this financial year to organisations delivering humanitarian aid cross-border primarily into north-west Syria. This helps to provide vulnerable people in Idlib with food, clean water, shelter and healthcare. The UK will continue to work with the UN to ensure aid reaches the people in need.

Further information

Published 28 February 2020