ERA/OPI/2017-7 – Opinion of the European Union Agency for Railways to the European Commission regarding a possible revision of INF TSI – rail fastening systems

ERA/OPI/2017-7 – Opinion of the European Union Agency for Railways to the European Commission regarding a possible revision of INF TSI – rail fastening systems Reference: ERA/OPI/2017-7 Publication Date : 27/02/2018 Published by: Corporate Management and Evaluation Document Types: Opinion Related TSI: Keywords: RISC/EC Consideration:

​The Opinion was presented to the Railway Interoperability and Safety Committee (RISC) at its meeting 81 (January 2017).

Description: The Opinion is proposing a revision of the wording of point 5.3.2(b) of the INF TSI, concerning performances and specifications of the Interoperability Constituents “rail fastening systems”, in order to improve legal certainty and avoid diverging interpretations.
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