EPD strives to support staff of landfills and refuse transfer stations in fighting against epidemic (with photo)

     A spokesman for the Environmental Protection Department (EPD) today (March 8) said that the department is arranging to distribute a total of 30 000 KN95 masks and 30 000 rapid antigen test (RAT) kits to more than 1 000 staff of landfill and refuse transfer station contractors to assist them in fighting against the fifth wave of the coronavirus disease 2019 epidemic.

     The EPD understands the current difficulties faced by the frontline staff involved in waste treatment amid the severe epidemic situation. Following the earlier distribution of about 15 000 RAT kits for drivers of refuse collection vehicles using the services at landfills and refuse transfer stations, as well as the staff of landfill and refuse transfer station contractors, the EPD is offering further support to the frontline staff proactively to ensure that the vital public service of waste management can be sustained.

     "The EPD thanked the frontline staff concerned for continuing to relentlessly provide the service at this extraordinary moment, thereby contributing to Hong Kong's waste treatment and environmental hygiene and combating the epidemic in solidarity," the spokesman said.

     With the staunch support of the Central Government, the EPD and the trades will continue to work closely together to implement and strengthen at full steam the various anti-epidemic measures.
