EPD invites all primary and secondary schools to join “We-recycle@School” activity

     The Environmental Protection Department (EPD), through the Education Bureau, has invited all primary and secondary schools in Hong Kong to participate in the "We-recycle@School" activity to encourage students to actively practise waste reduction and recycling together with their families in their daily life. 

     Further strengthening promotion and education at school level is an important part in the promotion of waste reduction to the public. The EPD wishes to join hands with all primary and secondary schools in Hong Kong to take forward "We-recycle@School" activity. Through distributing the latest information on source separation and recycling to the students by schools, the department encourages students to share the information with their family members and practise recycling together by using the recycling facilities available in their residential premises, the nearby GREEN@COMMUNITY facilities and the three-colour waste separation bins at schools. 

     Under the "We-recycle@School" activity, the EPD will provide schools with the latest information on source separation and recycling, and support in organising promotion and education activities (such as school talks, field visits and workshops, etc.) through the operators of GREEN@COMMUNITY Recycling Stations and the GreenLink – Environmental Education Support Programme (GreenLink) of the Environmental Campaign Committee (ECC). 

     A spokesman for the EPD said, "Currently, around 120 primary and secondary schools have committed to participate in the activity. We hope that all primary and secondary schools in Hong Kong will join in and work together to encourage students and their family members to cultivate habits of waste reduction and recycling to achieve 'Recycle More, Dump Less, Save More', with a view to preparing for the implementation of municipal solid waste charging."

     The EPD has been collaborating with the ECC in implementing the Waste Separation and Recycling Scheme in Schools. Participating schools are provided with three-colour waste separation bins for free to encourage schools to separate waste papers, plastic bottles and metals for recycling, as well as to help students understand the importance of resources conservation and waste separation. The ECC has provided three-colour waste separation bins to a total of over 1 000 primary and secondary schools so far, while the EPD are, in response to the requests of schools, providing recyclables collection service for around 950 schools. Moreover, the Environment and Ecology Bureau and the ECC, have launched the GreenLink with funding support from the Environment and Conservation Fund. The programme provides schools with one-stop services to assist schools in arranging environmental education activities.