EPD distributes face masks to refuse collection and recycling trade employees (with photos)


     The Environmental Protection Department (EPD) today (December 11) distributed face masks to drivers of refuse collection vehicles using the services at refuse transfer stations and landfills as well as various recycling and waste collection trade associations and recycling service contractors to support the work of frontline personnel and thank them for standing ready to fight the epidemic together.

     Every day, refuse collection vehicles collect municipal solid waste from various districts in Hong Kong and transport the waste in an orderly manner to refuse transfer stations or directly to landfills for disposal, making a contribution to the environmental hygiene of Hong Kong. As the epidemic situation of coronavirus disease 2019 in Hong Kong remains severe, refuse collection and transportation practitioners need to replenish personal hygiene protective equipment such as disposable face masks and disinfectant hand sanitisers to minimise the risk of infection. To assist the trade in coping with the current challenges, further to the distribution of about 50 000 face masks and around 1 200 bottles of hand sanitisers earlier, the EPD today distributed a further 60 000 face masks to drivers of refuse collection vehicles using the services at landfills and refuse transfer stations and reminded them to keep up personal hygiene at all times.

      In addition, recycling trade practitioners collect and handle different recyclable materials or waste from various districts in Hong Kong every day, and the frontline staff concerned continue to relentlessly provide the service amid the epidemic. Further to the distribution of about 270 000 face masks and about 5 300 bottles of hand sanitisers earlier, the EPD distributed a total of about 280 000 face masks to relevant recycling and waste collection trade associations and the frontline employees of recycling service contractors, encouraging the trade to enhance the frontline practitioners' awareness of good hygiene practices and to fight the epidemic together.

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