Free ‘transition’ cow management advice for dairy farmers

Dairy farmers will learn about the importance of effective cow transition management at an open farm event organised by Scotland’s Rural College.

Protecting Animal Health

A new £1.6 million centre for animal disease surveillance and research means faster, more reliable and more efficient diagnoses of livestock animal diseases for the whole of Scotland.

Deputy First Minister highlights key role of SRUC

The importance of Scotland’s Rural College to the current and future needs of the country’s economy has been highlighted at a parliamentary reception.

Women at cutting edge of agriculture

It’s the spectacular home to the family of King Robert the Bruce, but Broomhall House will soon welcome women farmers looking “tae think again” about how they run their business.

£260k to tackle Colombian green growth

Researchers from Scotland’s Rural College have been awarded £260,000 for two follow-up projects investigating sustainable land use in Colombia.