Marketing team pulls off double HEIST nomination

Scotland’s Rural College has been shortlisted for two national higher education marketing awards.

Rural skills on display at Kirkton & Auchtertyre

More than 60 secondary school pupils recently attended an enjoyable Rural Skills Day at SRUC’s Kirkton & Auchtertyre farms, near Crianlarich.

Rural skills on display at Kirkton & Auchtertyre

More than 60 secondary school pupils recently attended an enjoyable Rural Skills Day at SRUC’s Kirkton & Auchtertyre farms, near Crianlarich.

The art of pig playtime

Pig KerPlunk and a popcorn-dispensing piñata are among a collection of unique objects created for an event at a Scotland’s Rural College research farm which explored how pigs like to play.

Students flourish at Gardening Scotland

SRUC students have flourished at this year’s Gardening Scotland, winning two pop-up gold awards, six pop-up silver awards, a bronze RAF award and a silver award for its show garden.