National Statistics: Latest poultry and poultry meat statistics

Monthly statistics on the activity of UK hatcheries and UK poultry slaughterhouses.

National Statistics: Latest agricultural price indices

The Agricultural Price Index (API) is a set of indices of the prices paid and received by UK farmers for agricultural goods and services.

National Statistics: Historical statistics notices on agricultural price indices, 2023

Previously published monthly National Statistics publications on the agricultural price index (API). A set of indices of the prices paid and received by UK farmers for agricultural goods and services.

National Statistics: Historical statistics notices on poultry and poultry meat production, 2023

Previously published copies of the monthly National Statistics publications on the activity of UK hatcheries and UK poultry slaughterhouses.

Open consultation: Changes to bovine identification, registration and movement in England

Seeking views on government proposals for improving bovine (cattle, bison, buffalo) identification, registration and movement systems in England.