Notice: YO08 8AN, Sedalcol UK Limited: environmental permit application advertisement

The Environment Agency consults the public on certain applications for Radioactive Substances Activity. The arrangements are explained in its Public Participation Statement

These notices explain:

  • what the application is about
  • which Environment Agency office you can visit to see the application documents on the public register
  • when you need to comment by

The Environment Agency will decide:

  • whether to grant or refuse the application
  • what conditions to include in the permit (if granted)

News story: Merchant ordered to pay £4,700 for buying fish while unregistered

Representatives of Dockside Ltd, a company that owns a wet fish shop in Fleetwood, Lancashire, were ordered to pay £4,715.27 by Blackpool Magistrates Court on 26 July 2017.

The company pleaded guilty to purchasing first-sale fish directly from a fishing boat other than as a registered buyer, contrary to regulation 8 of the Registration of Fish Buyers and Sellers and Designation of Fish Auction Sites Regulations 2005.

The court heard how the Marine Management Organisation acted after being made aware the company had been purchasing fish from a number of vessels without being a registered buyer with the MMO. Upon investigation marine officers found the company had purchased £18,487 of fish between April 2014 and September 2016 while being an unregistered buyer of first-sale fish.

The company was fined £2,000 and ordered to pay an additional £2,545.27 in costs and a victim surcharge of £170.

The Registered Buyers and Sellers Scheme is designed to help ensure that fish is traceable from net to plate and to monitor and protect fish stocks. The MMO has produced a guide on the regulations for buying and selling fish.

Agricultural scientists call for new global crop alliance to support food security

A group of world-leading crop scientists, including the Principal & Chief Executive of SRUC, has called for a global crop network to systematically tackle threats to global food security.

Detailed guide: Countryside Productivity Scheme

Updated: “How to fill in an Improving Farm Productivity application” guidance updated at pages 20 and 21 to clarify that quotes in a foreign currency need to be converted to £ sterling, and that transaction fees are not eligible for grant funding and should be excluded.

Latest news

The Improving Forestry Productivity, Water Resource Management, Adding Value to Agri-food and Countryside Productivity Small Grant schemes are now closed to new applications.

Some livestock handling items are in short supply

If you’ve received a grant under the Countryside Productivity Small Grant (CPSG) scheme, you may find that some livestock handling items are in short supply. Find out what’s available to help you submit your grant claim.

Countryside Productivity Scheme

The RDPE Countryside Productivity Scheme provides funding for projects in England which improve productivity in the farming and forestry sectors and help create jobs and growth in the rural economy.

It is administered by the Rural Payments Agency (RPA).

Under the RDPE Countryside Productivity Scheme, there are grants for:

  • water resource management and reservoirs

  • improving forestry productivity

  • adding value to Agri-food

  • improving farm productivity

  • small grants

The grants are funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD).

Government guarantees about funding after the UK leaves the EU

The government has guaranteed funding for RDPE Countryside Productivity Scheme grants if these are agreed and signed before the UK’s departure from the EU, even if the grant agreements continue after we have left the EU. This is subject to projects meeting the following conditions when the application is assessed:

  • they are good value for money

  • they are in line with domestic strategic priorities

Who can apply

To find out if you and your project are eligible, please read the relevant handbook below.

Improving Forestry Productivity

The Improving Forestry Productivity scheme is now closed to new applications.

Applications received by the closing date are being processed.

Improving forestry productivity handbook
(PDF, 3.59MB, 34 pages)

Water Resource Management

The Water Resource Management scheme is now closed to new applications.

Applications received by the closing date are being processed.

Water Resource Management handbook
(PDF, 2.85MB, 31 pages)

Adding Value to Agri-food

The Adding Value to Agri-food scheme is now closed to new applications.

Expressions of Interest received by the closing date are being processed.

Adding Value to Agri-food Handbook
(PDF, 1.84MB, 32 pages)

Improving Farm Productivity

Improving Farm Productivity Handbook
(PDF, 5.16MB, 30 pages)

How to fill in an Improving Farm Productivity application
(PDF, 968KB, 32 pages)

Improving Farm Productivity Application Form
(MS Word Document, 112KB)

Improving Farm Productivity Application Form – appendix
(MS Excel Spreadsheet, 565KB)

What happens next

For the following schemes:

  • Water Resource Management
  • Improving Farm Productivity

fill in your application form and send it to us. If this is successful, you’ll get a funding agreement to sign.

With your grant funding agreement signed, you can start work on your project.

After you’ve paid for the work, you can claim your money.

For Adding Value to Agri-food, fill in your Expression of Interest form and send it to us. If this is successful, you’ll get a full application form to complete.

Countryside Productivity Small Grant scheme

The Countryside Productivity Small Grant scheme is now closed for applications.

The RDPE Countryside Productivity Small Grant scheme provides funding for farmers to purchase equipment to improve the productivity of their farm. The scheme is different to other parts of the Countryside Productivity scheme as it uses an online application process and is targeted at supporting investment for specific pieces of agricultural equipment.

Some livestock handling items are in short supply

If you’ve received a grant under the Countryside Productivity Small Grant (CPSG) scheme, you may find that some livestock handling items are in short supply. Find out what’s available to help you submit your grant claim.

Who can apply

Farmers (including livestock, dairy, arable and horticultural sectors) can apply for this grant. Please read the handbook below to find out more. This scheme is only open to farmers based in England.

Small Grant Handbook
(PDF, 1.94MB, 49 pages)

When you can apply

The Countryside Productivity Small Grant scheme is now closed for applications.

To help you apply online for the scheme read
Countryside Productivity Small Grant – Hints and tips
(PDF, 850KB, 4 pages)

Please remember to check your details on the Rural Payments service before you apply for this grant. You must make sure they exactly match with the details in your application form or your application will be rejected.

If you have any questions

Once you have read the handbook, if you have any questions please email your enquiry to

What happens next

Fill in your application form on line and sign up to the terms and conditions of the scheme. We will email you after the date that the funding round closes to let you know if your application has been approved. When you receive this email you can purchase your items.

After you’ve purchased all your items, you can claim your money

Collection: Sellafield Ltd environmental and safety reports

Environmental stewardship is a core value of Sellafield Ltd. This is achieved by preventing pollution, avoiding or reducing discharges and managing waste. We also minimise our impact on the environment through continual improvement in our processes and activities and striving for excellence in our environmental performance.

We work hard to minimise the environmental impact of our operations across all areas of on-site activities; considering the complete life cycle of projects from design through to decommissioning.