Notice: Reading festival bridge 2017: river closure notice

Intermittent river closure for the installation and removal of a temporary bridge for Reading Festival, Thursday 17 August and Monday 4 September 2017 from 7pm to midnight.

Official Statistics: FCE Corporate Plan Performance Indicators: Headline Performance Indicators Update at 30 June 2017

The document will present Forestry Commission England’s six headline indicators: number of high priority forest pests in the UK Plant Health Risk Register, percentage of known tree felling that is carried out with Forestry Commmission approval, percentage of woodland in active management, area of woodland, cost of managing the Public Forest Estate and number of private sector businesses operating on the Public Forest Estate.

Focus on quad bike safety at Dumfries Agricultural Show

The issue of quad bike safety was the the focus of Scotland Rural College’s stand at Dumfries Agricultural Show – in a bid to reduce the risks for farmers.

Firm evidence of the ‘Scottish System’ at Aberdeen

SRUC Aberdeen showed a display of cross collaboration between the three core divisions at a recent Learning for Sustainability event hosted by Kemnay Academy.

From Dumfries to Africa – environmental challenges faced in studying cow fertility

SRUC PhD student, Bridgit Muasa, funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has swapped Dumfries for Nairobi as she continues her studies into the fertility of dairy cows.