Notice: Anglian Water Services Limited: application made to abstract water

The Environment Agency consult the public on certain applications for the abstraction and impoundment of water.

These notices explain:

  • what the application is about
  • which Environment Agency offices you can visit to see the application documents on the public register
  • when you need to comment by

Scheduled server reboot

The server that holds our large files used for our borehole core photos, the publications viewer, etc will be rebooted after 18:00 on 20 September. Disruption should be minimal. Sorry for any inconvenience.

Guidance: Use of unbound municipal Incinerator Bottom Ash Aggregate (IBAA) in construction activities: RPS 206

Updated: This regulatory position statement has been extended for one year until 19 August 2019.

The Environment Agency will review this RPS by 19 August 2019. You will need to check back then to see if it still applies.

Version 2.

Research and analysis: Natural Capital and Ecosystem Service approaches to management

Requirement R031

Requirement detail

Ecosystem services are benefit flows to humans from natural ecosystems. Natural capital is the stock of natural ecosystems from which these benefits flow. Mismanagement of natural capital assets or unsustainable use of a service ultimately has negative impacts on benefits obtained.

Pathways linking natural capital assets to goods and services that benefit humans are complex and linked requiring ecosystem level consideration. To implement natural capital and ecosystem services approaches requires
understanding of the:

  • range of economic and social benefits provided by the natural assets and their associated ecosystem services
  • way in which these benefits depend upon the various assets and services
  • state/condition and location of natural assets in relation to the benefits derived from them

Opportunities for investing in other types of natural capital that are not currently present should also be explored.
Understanding the benefits obtained from natural capital; the assets that underpin them; and how investment, intervention or management might affect these benefits, is needed for long-term planning.

Research and analysis: Distribution and condition of protected species and habitats

Requirement R100

Requirement detail

Many individual species and habitats receive statutory protection under a range of legislative provisions. The protection afforded is different depending on the legislation but can for example range from a duty to further the conservation of the living organisms and types of habitat to preventing intentional injury, removal or death of certain species or damage to habitats.

The MMO receives advice on protected species and habitats from the statutory nature conservation bodies. Additionally, the environmental assessment process may also provide information on protected species and habitats but there is a lack of a coherent evidence base, in terms of distribution and condition, at a national scale. A common understanding of the distribution and condition of relevant habitats and species would improve the transparency and consistency of marine licensing.

The MMO wishes to improve evidence on species and habitats distribution and condition outside of designated sites that may be affected by marine developments. Lists of relevant marine protected species are either included or referred to within MMO web pages on marine species protection.