Guidance: Workplace Charging Scheme approved chargepoint list

Updated: List of chargepoint models approved under the Workplace Charging Scheme.

Details of manufacturers and chargepoint models approved by the Office of Low Emission Vehicles under the Workplace Charging Scheme (WCS).

Guidance: Workplace Charging Scheme authorised installers

Updated: List of authorised installers for the Workplace Charging Scheme.

Details of companies authorised by the Office for Low Emission Vehicles to install workplace chargepoints.

Consultation outcome: Solway Firth potential Special Protection Area: outcome

Updated: Link to consultation outcome added

Special Protection Areas (SPAs) are special sites designated under the EU Birds Directive to protect rare, vulnerable and migratory birds.

The proposal is to extend the existing Upper Solway Flats and Marshes Special Protection Area (SPA) to create the Solway Firth SPA.

The proposed new boundary will include and protect the internationally important wintering populations of:

  • red-throated diver
  • common scoter
  • goosander

The site is mainly situated in Scottish inshore waters. Scottish Natural Heritage will lead the consultation. See the details on their website using the link above.

Consultation outcome: Waste electrical and electronic equipment compliance fee 2016

Updated: Added a note on what happened after this consultation.

We want to know whether you think there should be a Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) compliance fee set for 2016. We also want to know your thoughts on the two proposals we’ve received for how the fee should be managed in 2016.

The use of a compliance fee and how it is administered is agreed annually. Companies that don’t meet their annual collection targets can comply with the 2013 WEEE Regulations by paying the compliance fee instead.

Guidance: Electric Vehicle Homecharge Scheme approved chargepoint model list

Updated: List of approved manufacturers and models under the Electric Vehicle Homecharge Scheme.

List of approved manufacturers and models under the Electric Vehicle Homecharge Scheme (EVHS).