News story: Air pollution advice to the public

Updated: Air pollution advice updated for 24 January.

Widespread moderate air pollution is currently being measured across many parts of the UK today (24 January) due to still and foggy weather conditions, with some areas of high pollution across southeast England, very high pollution in London and isolated pockets of very high across eastern England.

High levels are expected across southeast England and some very high levels in London and the east of England. Moderate levels are being measured in south Wales, South West England, the East and West Midlands, Yorkshire and Humberside and Northwest England. Air pollution is expected to remain low across Scotland and Northern Ireland.

Current air pollution levels are due to the continuing high pressure and associated light winds across the UK.
During periods of high air pollution adults and children with lung problems, and adults with heart problems, should reduce strenuous physical exertion, particularly outdoors, and particularly if they experience symptoms. People with asthma may find they need to use their reliever inhaler more often. Older people should also reduce physical exertion.

Anyone experiencing discomfort such as sore eyes, cough or sore throat should consider reducing activity, particularly outdoors.

For those parts of the country forecast to have very high levels of ambient air pollution, Public Health England is advising people to reduce physical exertion, particularly when outdoors and especially if they experience symptoms such as a cough or sore throat. Adults and children with lung problems, adults with heart problems, and older people, in areas where very high levels are recorded should avoid strenuous physical activity. People with asthma may find they need to use their reliever inhaler more often.

Light winds and foggy conditions are expected to continue through Tuesday (24 January), especially across southern and eastern parts. This will lead to the ongoing risk of areas of moderate air pollution levels, along with isolated pockets of high levels. Meanwhile across the north and west increasing winds should lead to air pollution returning to low levels from Wednesday (25 January).

These low levels are expected to spread to all parts during Thursday (26 January) and Friday (27 January) as stronger winds extend east across the UK.

For the latest forecasts and health advice, please visit Defra’s UK Air website. Alerts for high levels of air pollution are also issued by Defra via the Air UK Twitter account @DefraUKAir.

Further information:

  • The 5-day forecast of predicted air pollution levels is continually updated on the UK Air website, with advice from Public Health England to allow members of the public, particularly those who are most likely to be affected by air pollution, to take action.
  • We also work with health charities to make sure vulnerable people are aware of any periods of low air quality.

News story: Marine plan development workshops announced

The Marine Management Organisation has announced a new series of marine planning workshops for the north east, north west, south east and south west marine plan areas.

The workshops are part of the next step in the development of the marine plans, which will formally start in February 2017, with the launch of a questionnaire.

This is an important stage in the first year of marine planning for these marine plan areas, providing the opportunity to see how the issues and evidence gathered as part of last summer’s call are being taken forward.

The workshops will discuss the issues and evidence database in more detail and examine what policies are needed to address the economic, social, environmental and governance issues in each marine plan area. The workshops will discuss potential policies in greater detail, feeding into the process for the next stage of plan development.

In addition the workshops will review the proposed new format for the marine plans, which is more interactive, linking to our Marine Information System (MIS), and understand more about how stakeholders expect to use the marine plans.

The workshops will be taking place in February and March at the following locations and times:

North east marine plan area

  • Scarborough: Wednesday 15 February 2017, Crown Spa Hotel, 9.30am to 4pm
  • Newcastle: Thursday 16 February 2017, Centre for Life, 9.30am to 4pm

North west marine plan area

  • Blackpool: Tuesday 28 February 2017, Hilton Hotel, 9.30am to 4pm
  • Carlisle: Wednesday 1 March 2017, Hallmark Hotel, 9.30am to 4pm

South east marine plan area

  • London: Tuesday 7 March 2017, The Wesley Hotel and Conference Venue, Euston House, 9.30am to 4pm
  • Colchester: Wednesday 8 March 2017, Rose and Crown Hotel, 9.30am to 4pm

South west marine plan area

  • Falmouth: Tuesday 21 March 2017, National Maritime Museum, 9.30 am to 4pm
  • Plymouth: Wednesday 22 March 2017, Future Inn, 9.30am to 4pm
  • Taunton: Thursday 23 March 2017, Holiday Inn, 9.30am to 4pm

Tickets for the workshops are available via Eventbrite. An agenda will be available in early February.

Evening drop-in sessions
We will also be holding two evening drop in sessions in the north east and south west for those who can’t attend these area’s workshops:

  • Amble: Monday 13 February 2017, Amble Development Trust, 5 to 7pm
  • Falmouth: Monday 20 March 2017, National Maritime Museum, 5 to 7pm

These events will include a presentation on the north east and south west marine plan areas respectively, which will run at 5pm and 6pm.

Students embrace #ScotlandWelcomesTheWorld campaign

Staff and students across SRUC’s six campuses have been queuing up to sign Welcome Walls to celebrate the international community.

Statutory guidance: SR2010 No 17: storage of wastes to be used in land treatment

Updated: Added to ‘details’ section: You can apply online for most standard rules environmental permits.

Standard rules guidance to allow operators to temporarily store waste before use in land treatment.

You can apply online for most standard rules environmental permits.

Apply for a standard rules environmental permit.

Research and analysis: Marine planning: issues and evidence database

Updated: Database spreadsheet updated

The Issues Database has been produced following public consultation (summer 2016) to gather issues and supporting evidence for the north east, north west, south east and south west marine plan areas.


An issue is an opportunity or challenge to the marine plan area which is likely to drive or be affected by change, and that can be addressed, at least in part, by marine planning.


Evidence includes social, economic or environmental data, academic research, government policy and expert opinion.

Common issues and policies:

Many issues are ‘common’ across some or all other plan areas, including those covered by the adopted East Marine Plans and the draft South Marine Plan. If a common issue has been addressed in the South and/or East Marine Plans by a policy, it has been recommended as a proposed draft policy or ‘common policy’.

The Issues Database includes:

  • overview of each issue
  • issue category (economic, environmental, social and economic)
  • details of supporting evidence gathered
  • which marine plan area the issue relates to

The Issues Database has also been divided into two further spreadsheets to include proposed draft common policies. The two spreadsheets are:

  • area specific and common issues with no proposed draft common policies
  • common issues with proposed draft common policies

There is also two supporting spreadsheet which includes the proposed draft common policies by marine plan area and explains the policy codes.

Some issues have multiple sources of associated evidence. Where this is the case the issue is repeated for each evidence source.

The table below provides more information on the different database headings.

Heading Explanation
ID Unique reference number that has been automatically assigned to the record
Plan-area The marine plan area that this issue applies to.

Please note that issues may apply to a single marine plan area, all marine plan areas or a combination of plan areas. In order to filter by plan area choose ‘text filter’ and ‘contains’ from the filter menu then enter the plan area name required (eg ‘north east’)

Theme Defined as economic, environment, governance or social
Issue Description of the issue
Evidence Name/title of the evidence source
URL Location that the evidence can be accessed from
Confidence Indicative confidence rating assigned to the evidence source:

High (H) has been quality assured for use in marine plans.

Medium (M) is a published report/data/plan that has not been quality assured for use in marine plans, but a level of confidence exists as it has been published.

Low (L) comes from unpublished sources, such as anecdotal comments and requires both follow up and quality assurance

Proposed draft policies are also available on our Marine Information System (MIS)