Consultation outcome: Standard rules consultation no. 15: unintentional receipt of radioactive materials and radioactive waste

Updated: Added Summary of consultation responses and decisions document. Outcome: new standard rule set and risk assessment published.

The Environment Agency proposes to have a new standard rules environmental permit to cover the:

  • accumulation and disposal of radioactive materials
  • radioactive waste at sites with a radiation detection system

The new standard rules permit will be an efficient way of regulating for both operators and the Environment Agency, as well as protecting the environment from pollution.

We ask for your comments on the proposed new standard rule set and its risk assessment. We are also assessing the financial impacts of this proposal.

The responses from the consultation will be used to help develop the standard rule set. The aim is to publish the new standard rule set and risk assessment before the end of January 2018.

Innovative SRUC graduate trainee scheme to train new consultancy stars of the future

An innovative graduate trainee programme has been launched by Scotland’s Rural College to help identify and train the new consultancy stars of the future.

Notice: MK43 9LY, Covanta Energy Limited: environmental permit draft decision advertisement

Updated: The deadline for comments has been extended to 07 November 2017.

The Environment Agency consults the public on certain applications for waste operations, mining waste operations, installations, water discharge and groundwater activities. In some cases they also consult on draft decisions for environmental permits. The arrangements are explained in its Public Participation Statement
These notices explain:

  • the Environment Agency’s proposed decision and the reasons and considerations on which they’ve based this
  • additional relevant information available since the application was advertised
  • any information or guidance provided by the Secretary of State relevant to the application

Press release: Angling championship aids Tees research

The Environment Agency has joined forces with expert anglers to collect valuable fisheries data for the River Tees.

The fifth annual River Tees Championship – a fishing survey match organised by the Environment Agency – saw 46 anglers take part.

Areas of the middle River Tees not normally fished were surveyed during the competition last Sunday, 3 September, from Croft to upstream Piercebridge.

The results were good, with all sorts of species caught and recorded during the valuable event.

Phil Rippon, Environment Agency Fisheries Technical Specialist said:

Despite low river levels making fishing conditions difficult, a variety of species were caught, including dace, chub, perch, bream and trout, with all sizes and numbers logged.

The data alongside our own surveys, will help us and our partners to better target habitat and fisheries improvements as well as helping us to understand about the distribution of fish species in the Tees.

Our thanks to the angling clubs and landowners who supported the survey, and to the organisers.

The winner of this years’ championship was Ant Smith who caught 21lb 7oz of Bream, Dace and Chub. All fish were safely returned to the river.

Press release: Angling championship aids Tees research

The Environment Agency has joined forces with expert anglers to collect valuable fisheries data for the River Tees.

The fifth annual River Tees Championship – a fishing survey match organised by the Environment Agency – saw 46 anglers take part.

Areas of the middle River Tees not normally fished were surveyed during the competition last Sunday, 3 September, from Croft to upstream Piercebridge.

The results were good, with all sorts of species caught and recorded during the valuable event.

Phil Rippon, Environment Agency Fisheries Technical Specialist said:

Despite low river levels making fishing conditions difficult, a variety of species were caught, including dace, chub, perch, bream and trout, with all sizes and numbers logged.

The data alongside our own surveys, will help us and our partners to better target habitat and fisheries improvements as well as helping us to understand about the distribution of fish species in the Tees.

Our thanks to the angling clubs and landowners who supported the survey, and to the organisers.

The winner of this years’ championship was Ant Smith who caught 21lb 7oz of Bream, Dace and Chub. All fish were safely returned to the river.