Research and analysis: Investing in energy efficiency: investigating the total costs to business

The research examines the total costs businesses face when investing in energy efficiency measures. The report examines non-capital or ‘hidden’ costs associated with investment in energy efficiency and low carbon technology, as well as the associated decision making and appraisal processes used by businesses.

Analysis is based on interviews with 30 organisations from a range of industries that predominantly made large investments in energy efficiency for industrial processes. Its findings are not intended to be definitive as the report looks at a small sample of organisations. However it provides a more detailed examination of how some businesses make decisions around energy efficiency.

This report was prepared by Eunomia Research & Consulting Ltd (Eunomia) in collaboration with Verco Advisory Services Ltd (Verco) and the Centre for Sustainable Energy (CSE), and was commissioned by the former Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS).

Notice: HU12 8DX, Veolia ES (UK) Limited: environmental permit application advertisement

The Environment Agency consults the public on certain applications for waste operations, mining waste operations, installations, water discharge and groundwater activities. The arrangements are explained in its Public Participation Statement

These notices explain:

  • what the application is about
  • how you can view the application documents
  • when you need to comment by

The Environment Agency will decide:

  • whether to grant or refuse the application
  • what conditions to include in the permit (if granted)

Notice: TS23 1QY, SNF Oil and Gas Ltd: environmental permit issued

The Environment Agency publish permits that they issue under the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED).

This decision includes the permit letter, decision document for:

  • Operator name: SNF Oil and Gas Ltd
  • Installation name: Billingham Emulsion Plant
  • Permit number: EPR/VP3439YG/A001

Notice: SG12 0ES, Biffa Waste Services Limited: environmental permit issued EPR/DP3431PC/V013

The Environment Agency publish permits that they issue under the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED).

This decision includes the permit and decision document for:

  • Operator name: Biffa Waste Services Limited
  • Installation name: Westmill II Waste Management Facility
  • Permit number: EPR/DP3431PC/V013

Wading birds in deep trouble

An urgent call for volunteers has been issued to help tackle the mass decline of wading birds in Scotland.