SRUC student among ‘heroic’ award winners

A student at Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC) has been hailed a “British Farming Hero” for helping to draw attention to the issue of mental wellbeing in agriculture.

Aluna looking for the crème de la crème of African dairy cows

Aluna Chawala, whose studies are funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, spent eight months in Africa meeting with more than 500 individual dairy farmers.

Form: Application for an environmental permit: part E3 notification of surrender (flood risk activities)

You will need to fill in this part of the form E3 together with part F3, if you are surrendering all or part of your permit.

Form: Application for an environmental permit: part D3 notification of transfer (standalone flood risk activities only)

If you want to transfer all, or part of, your existing permit to another person, you must get the person who will take on the permit to fill in parts A, D3 and F3.

Form: Application for an environmental permit: part C8 varying a flood risk activity permit

If you want to vary (change) the conditions or any other part of the permit you must complete part A, part C8 and part F3.