Policy paper: Shoreham Adur tidal walls scheme: reaches W5, W6 and W7

Updated: Update to data 15 December 2017.

Details of construction for Shoreham Riverbank, Shoreham Recreation Ground and Shoreham Airport.

Policy paper: Shoreham Adur tidal walls scheme: environmental statement

Updated: Update to data 15 December 2017.

The outcome of an Environmental Impact Assessment is presented in an Environmental Statement. This was submitted with the planning application for the scheme, in accordance with The Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations. It has also helped identify opportunities to improve the environment; these have been included within the scheme where feasible.

Global patterns of nitrate storage in the unsaturated zone

The unsaturated (vadose) zone between the base of soils and the water table can be an important store of nitrate. Water moves slowly downward through the unsaturated zone and so a large store of nitrate can accumulate if this water contains nitrate derived from surface sources such as fertiliser. Release of this store can affect ground- and surface water quality for decades and it can continue for a long time after changes in farming practice that reduce nitrate leaching.

BGS communications dashboard for October 2017

Here is a round up of metrics for October 2017. For all social media, the item shown is the most popular this month.

Policy paper: Shoreham Adur tidal walls scheme: footpath closures

Updated: Links to public footpath closure notices added.

Details of where there have been temporary footpath diversions during construction.