Consultation outcome: Marine licensing application fees: proposed changes 2017

Updated: Summary of responses (including government response) added.

We want to know what you think about our proposals to revise the marine licensing application fees. These fees apply to England, Wales and Northern Ireland offshore marine areas. The changes are needed to make sure that the application fee remains in-line with the costs incurred by the Marine Management Organisation when managing applications.

We’re also seeking views on plans to introduce an online self-service portal.

News story: We’re half way there

When operating, Wylfa’s 2 reactors together contained nearly 100,000 fuel elements. Since the end of generation, on 30 December 2015, the site’s main focus has been to empty both reactors and send all the remaining used fuel to Sellafield for reprocessing. When Wylfa completes defueling, this will mark the end of one of the UK’s largest programmes of nuclear and hazard reduction work.

Britain’s pioneering fleet of 11 Magnox reactors were the world’s first commercial nuclear power stations. The earliest, Calder Hall, came online in 1956 and Wylfa was the last to finish generating low-carbon electricity. In almost 60 years, around 5 million Magnox fuel elements were manufactured for UK nuclear power stations.
Once the reactors are empty, and all the fuel elements have been dispatched to Sellafield, over 99 per cent of the site’s radiological hazard will have been removed.

This marks a significant achievement for Magnox Ltd’s and for the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority’s (NDA) mission of safely cleaning up the legacy from the earliest days of the UK’s nuclear industry.

Defueling at Wylfa
Defueling at Wylfa

Stuart Law, Wylfa Site Director, said:

This is a landmark achievement for the site, which has involved a lot of hard work and dedication from the highly skilled team at Wylfa.

It’s a meticulous process and it takes time but we have the skills, the knowledge and the people to safely and securely deliver the Magnox work programme.

Tim Dunham, Magnox Head of Nuclear Operations, commented:

This is a proud moment for the site in its vital contribution to closing out the Magnox fuel cycle. My congratulations go to the team for safely reaching this point. We envisage that the defuelling programme will complete in mid to late 2019 with everyone working hard to achieve this target.

Geoff Suitor, Head of the Magnox Programme for the NDA, said:

Removing all the used nuclear fuel from a station, when it finishes generating electricity, is the first major step in removing the all the hazards and decommissioning the site. Passing the half-way stage is a great sign of the progress being made by our colleagues at Magnox.

Notice: Michael Francis Trafford trading as Wroxham Home Farms: application made to abstract water

The Environment Agency consult the public on certain applications for the abstraction and impoundment of water.

These notices explain:

  • what the application is about
  • which Environment Agency offices you can visit to see the application documents on the public register
  • when you need to comment by

National Statistics: Household Energy Efficiency National Statistics, headline release December 2017

This release includes measures installed under the Energy Company Obligation (ECO) and the Green Deal schemes. It also includes further analysis and geographical breakdowns of ECO measures, ECO delivery costs, estimated carbon and energy savings from measures installed and the supply chain. These statistics are provisional and are subject to future revisions.

News story: CoRWM plenary meeting dates and locations 2018

Updated: Meeting dates for September and November have been updated. The location of the September meeting has been moved to Cardiff.

CoRWM open plenary meetings in 2018 will be held on the following dates. Each plenary session will end with questions from the public and an opportunity to comment. All dates are subject to change; please check the website for updates to meeting dates and locations.

CoRWM hold at least 1 public meeting in Scotland and 1 in Wales each year. This year, CoRWM will hold a meeting at the Dalton Cumbrian Facility after a site visit to Sellafield.

Date Time Location
10 January 2018 09:00 BEIS Conference Centre, 1 Victoria Street, London, SW1H 0ET
23 March 2018 11:00 BEIS Conference Centre, 1 Victoria Street, London, SW1H 0ET
2 May 2018 11:30 BEIS Conference Centre, 1 Victoria Street, London, SW1H 0ET
21 June 2018 11:00 Sella Park Hotel, Calderbridge, CA20 1DW
18 September 2018 11:00 Clayton Hotel, St Mary Street, Cardiff, Wales, CF10 1GD
8 November 2018 11:00 Edinburgh- venue to be confirmed

Register to attend

If you would like to attend any of the plenary meetings, please email at least 1 week prior to the date of the meeting.

Please inform us of any access or other requirements that you have.

We are unfortunately unable to accommodate attendees who have not registered in advance.