Notice: Aggregate Industries UK Limited: application made to abstract water

The Environment Agency consults the public on certain applications for the abstraction and impoundment of water.

These notices explain:

  • what the application is about
  • which Environment Agency offices you can visit to see the application documents on the public register
  • when you need to comment by

Mountain research piques Cabinet Secretary’s interest

SRUC’s Kirkton & Auchtertyre upland research and demonstration farms, near Crianlarich, were recently the focus of a Ministerial visit.

Correspondence: Defra environmental principles and governance consultation: Environment Agency response

Defra has consulted on environmental principles and governance after the UK leaves EU. See the full Defra consultation.

The Environment Agency welcomes government proposals to:

  • put a set of environmental principles into UK law
  • establish a new independent body to hold the government to account

Taken together, and with the sustained work of the Environment Agency and other bodies, the Environment Agency believes these new arrangements will help protect and enhance the environment for future generations.

The Environment Agency welcomes the government’s agreement in the EU (Withdrawal) Act 2018 that the environmental principles should be set out in primary legislation. They endorse the principles identified.

The Environment Agency supports the proposal for a new independent body that’s accountable to Parliament. They welcome the government’s agreement that this body will have proportionate enforcement powers against Ministers of the Crown, including the ability to initiate legal proceedings. This will help ensure that the new body can hold the government to account when the UK leaves the EU.

The Environment Agency agrees that the new body should not replace or duplicate the role of other bodies, including the Environment Agency.

Feed and phenotyping

A special event at Scotland’s only “phenotype farm” has highlighted the importance of feed-intake monitoring.

Press release: Come along to flood scheme update at Forge Mill Farm

If you are planning a visit to Sandwell Valley Park, Forge Mill Farm or RSPB on Thursday 9 August, why not come and talk to Environment Agency staff about the Perry Barr and Witton Flood Risk Management Scheme?

Environment Agency staff will be setting up a stall near the Forge Mill Farm car park on 9 August, from 1pm to 4pm, to talk to local residents and visitors about the progress being made.

The completed scheme will reduce flood risk for 1,400 properties in the area. Phase 2 of the scheme, will provide additional flood storage at Forge Mill in Sandwell Valley, which is upstream of Perry Barr and Witton, and will control the flow of flood water downstream. Park users will have seen construction happening around Forge Mill Farm, at the golf course and along the river side.

Rachel Kelly, Environment Agency Project Manager for the Scheme said:

This is a great opportunity to find out more about what we’ve been doing so far and we have planned for the coming months. Come and hear more about the scheme, including an additional river crossing providing a circular walking route and environmental enhancements, such as the creation of wet woodland, crassula management (in conjunction with RSPB), tree planting, tree and hedgerow management and creation of new habitats in areas where we are taking material to build the embankment.

The main aspects of this phase include the building of a new embankment, installation of the river outlet and temporarily re-diverting the river.

The scheme, costing just over £32 million, is part of the Environment Agency’s programme of £2.6 billion investment into flood defences across the country. The scheme was made possible through funding contributions from Birmingham City Council, Regional Flood and Coastal Committee, Arts Council and crowd-funding.

The first phase of the scheme was completed in spring 2017. Following improvements to the existing upstream flood storage area at Perry Hall Playing Fields, Phase 1 delivered improvement works in Perry Barr and Witton, including wall repairs and wall raising along Brookvale Road, construction of walls along Tame Road and installation of a flood gate at the Atlas Industrial Estate entrance. These measures in isolation do not provide a big enough reduction in flood risk, although they did successfully prevent properties from flooding in May 2018, so Phase 2 will provide the necessary flood water storage during a major flood, such as that experienced in 2007.

Along with flood defences and flood management schemes, knowing your flood risk is also important when protecting your family and property from flooding. People can check their risk and register to receive free flood warnings by visiting our page on preparing for flooding or calling Floodline on 0345 988 1188.